When I smoke rollies I’ve always been a Dr Pat smoker. To the point that if I get a pack I often have family members say ‘Oh, Dr Pat, you always did like those’

These days, tho I try hard with the e cigs, I find myself in long phases, for whatever reason of being back on ciggies. Tho the price of tailor mades, has become exorbitant. I can afford it, but I also am finding tailors more and more harsh, dry and unpleaseant. Better part of $30 for a pack of 50, and the government laughs all the way to the bank.

Speaking of Bank, I’ve always enjoyed the nutty and unique flavour of them. But mild. So incredibly mild. Now if only there was a stronger variety, I’d be set. Which is where Dr Pat joins in. Somewhat similar flavour, but much stronger. I can do Port Royal quite well.

I find myself quite away from the ‘virginia flavours’ like Winfield , Horizon, Holiday etc. In a rollie, I seem to prefer the burley (dark) and virginia (bright) mix. Right this moment I’m smoking Drum classic blue.

Now reading this I am keen to try Log Cabin. My late grandad smoked those Log Cabin tins back in the day, for some reason I have a feeling it was pipe tobacco tho, and I have a few heritage tins I put my roll your own tobacco in. To be honest I thought the brand had been off the market for years, so I’m keen to try this one, for nostalgia reasons.


U.s. teens and adults choose same brand of cigarettes

E-cigarette politics
February 17, 2009 Leave a comment Filed in Drugs, Ethnicity, Government, Legal, Legislation, Other, Research & Treatment

Teen smokers and adult smokers agree that the Marlboro brand is their cigarette of choice, and anti smoking advocates say advertising is the reason why, the Associated Press reported Feb. 12.

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that three brands of cigarettes Marlboro, Newport and Camel were preferred by 81 percent of middle and high school students. Survey results show that 52 percent of established smokers in high school chose Marlboro, while 21 percent chose Newport and 13 percent preferred Camel the middle school percentages were 43, 26 and 9 percent, respectively.

The CDC analyzed data from the 2004 and 2006 National Youth Tobacco Survey of nearly 5 million 12 to 17 year olds, drawing on survey responses from 54,301 regular smokers. The conclusions parallel those in the 2007 National Study on Drug Use and Health, which found the same three brands to be the most popular smoked by U.S. adults.

Despite evidence that smoking rates are on the decline among teenagers, anti smoking advocates said that cigarette advertising that ostensibly targets adults has influenced the teenage audience. “Cigarettes are still the most heavily advertised drug in America,” said Victor Strasburger, a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

David Sutton of the Altria Group, which owns Philip Morris USA and the Marlboro brand, said that adult influence contributes more significantly to teen smoking than advertising, while David Howard, a spokesman for Camel manufacturer R.J. Reynolds, said that the brand s third place ranking in the survey is evidence that the company is successfully avoiding marketing to young people.

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