west_compact_silverThe habit to smoke widely structures your life, dictates many things and nuances that non-smokers cannot realize meanwhile. At the airport you rush searching for the smoking room, trying to get the necessary dose of nicotine before a long flight. Another concern of the smoker is just to buy the brand of cigarettes he/she always smokes. If not, you can certainly buy something else, but what a disappointment!

That is why, West is just the right decision to be your constant brand of cigarettes. West cigarettes offer the great variety of taste and versions. The brand presented itself well during many years of its existence. West certainly underwent many periods but always remained faithful to its customers.

West was originally a German brand. It was subsequently acquired by Imperial Tobacco, which is considered to be English.

In today’s world of international corporations it is difficult to define any separate country as the homeland of West cigarettes.

They are produced in Germany; the raw material for them is delivered from the best plantations of the world. Cigarettes themselves are quite successfully sold in more than 90 countries around the world.

In June 2009 Imperial Tobacco company launched a new version of West cigarettes – “West Tri-logic”, offering a carbon filter Tri-loqic (the main feature of West cigarettes). The new brand includes three versions:

West Tri-logic Red

Tar- 10 mg
Nicotine – 0,8 mg

West Tri-logic Silver

Tar -6 mg
Nicotine – 0,5 mg

West Tri-logic Blue

Tar 4 mg
Nicotine – 0,4 mg

The design of new products is made in silver, white and red tones. The brand slogan is “The trilogy of success” – combines the advantages of three advantages of brand: quality of international level, modern design and affordable price.

West cigarettes’ slogans:
Light. Fashionable. Stylish. ( West Ultra)
West. Pure adrenaline.

Our shop in some way continues the tradition of those tobacco shops, where once West cigarettes appeared in Germany for the first time.

We do not depend on the policy of large retail chains, and focus only on the quality of the goods. Our goal is to make premium cigarettes available to various tobacco lovers.

Due to the hard work we are able to make the price of West cigarettes and other popular brands readily available. Get closer to the quality of the specially selected brands of cigarettes and this can be you’re your cigarettes for a lifetime.