We rarely think about it, but the path of cigarettes begins the same way as the path of most food products.

Tobacco grows well in warm climates, in moderately moist soil that is rich in nutrients. It is soil fertilizer that affects tobacco properties such as its combustibility, nicotine saturation, sugar, and so on. Maintaining a balance of nutritional value of the soil, combating various pests and weeds – all these concerns fall on the shoulders of farmers who approach tobacco with the same responsibility as for food crops.

Special attention is given to the harvest. It should be produced at a certain stage of plant development. Each variety has its own characteristics, indicating that it is time to harvest. For the quality of cigarettes as the final product, it is very important not to harvest the crop too soon, as this will interfere with the proper “ripening” of tobacco. After collecting tobacco to be dried. One of the drying methods involves suspending tobacco leaves in small bunches in special drying chambers. And after drying, tobacco is piled up, allowing it to rest.

The manufacturers of branded cigarettes only work with proven suppliers, but even raw materials from reputable farms require verification every time in order to maintain the quality of branded cigarettes. Being of plant origin, tobacco requires extremely delicate transportation conditions.

The conveyor operator selects leaves that are not visually compliant. Specialists working at this stage are able to distinguish by eye more than 20 shades of tobacco leaf, determining the grade and quality. This is followed by a stage such as cutting. The cigarettes should be evenly packed with tobacco, cut the same. To do this, after cutting tobacco goes through several steps of screening. The machine selects too large particles and pours too small, sending further along the conveyor only what conforms to the standards. The equipment used in factories is special, high-precision machines operating at a speed of 12,000 cigarettes per minute. In addition, their settings allow you to adjust all the parameters of the cigarette: packing density, thickness, etc. Production control is carried out at all stages – from raw materials to finished products.