Lucky Strike cigarettes are the oldest American cigarette brand, dating back to 1871. The Lucky Strike brand was first registered in the state of Virginia by R. A. Patterson, but it was originally pressed tobacco, unremarkable, rather than cigarettes. In 1905, the Lucky Strike brand was acquired by the American Tobacco Company, which was attracted by the sonorous name.

In 1916, the Lucky Strike brand began producing Lucky Strike cigarettes, the tobacco for which was prepared using innovative technology. While other cigarette manufacturers dried tobacco leaves under sunlight, Lucky Strike manufacturers roasted the leaves, which caramelized them and made the tobacco fragrant with chocolate and coffee flavors. This method was called toasterization (It’s Toasted).

The logo of Lucky Strike cigarettes was designed by the famous designer Raymond Levy, who created the emblems of “Coca-Cola” and “Shell”. In order to attract a female audience to the brand of cigarettes, the design of the Lucky Strike pack got a green color, and for advertising attracted female Hollywood stars. The efforts of manufacturers bore fruit, and soon Lucky Strike cigarettes took 40% of the American market, overtaking the famous Camel. Advertising campaign of the brand was carried out wisely. For example, Lucky Strike manufacturers were the first to talk about the connection between smoking tobacco and weight loss, which made them a means for weight loss.

In 1942, they changed the color of the pack from green to white with a red circle in the middle. The pack design has undergone some changes, with the red circle in the middle of the white background in the “lighter” Lucky Strike being replaced by a blue circle so that the consumer can visually distinguish them.

What are Lucky Strike cigarettes?

Lucky Strike cigarettes have a bright tobacco flavor without the smell of extraneous flavorings. Lucky Strike cigarettes may seem harsh, but there is no burnt paper flavor, only natural tobacco bitterness. This is achieved by using a mixture of fine tobacco for the production of Lucky Strike cigarettes and special paper that is charged with a special composition. This unusual flavor is due to the addition of roasted tobacco, an unusual innovation that came about by accident, but was in line with consumer tastes even before R.A. (that was a new manufacturer at that time) acquired the company’s production facilities.