Camel cigarettes, like its competitors, tried to conquer the market through advertising. At the beginning of the 20th century, advertising in the media was not strongly developed, then there were posters with respectable people smoking Camels and advertising slogans, for example, “I’m ready to walk a mile for a Camel”, “The beginning of enlightenment”, “Camel. Surprisingly mild taste”, “Camel. my time. Was my pleasure.”

In 1974, when the British art rock band Camel released their second album Mirage, a scandal broke out in the USA over its cover: It almost completely repeated the design of the front of the Camel cigarettes pack. As a result, the album was released on a separate cover on the American market. In Europe, there were no complaints against the group, as their manager was able to negotiate with the European branch of the tobacco company for the release of a promotional pack (for 5 cigarettes) with a Mirage album cover and a list of tracks.

A special feature of the Camel cigarettes is its iconic style, which is associated with adventure, freedom and exoticism. The brand’s symbol is a camel, which is depicted on cigarette packs and other Camel products. Camel cigarettes are chosen as symbols not only because they can withstand heat and drought, but also because Turkish tobacco, which is part of the tobacco, grows in the areas where these animals live. Moreover, camels resemble the letter “C”, which begins the brand name. The camel in the cigarette packet has a name – Joe, and he became one of the most recognizable characters in the world of tobacco advertising 1.

What are Camel cigarettes?

Traditional Camel cigarettes without added flavorings have a classic tobacco taste. They are available in different versions of strength and length, indicated by the different colors of the pack. The following table shows the main types of ordinary Camel cigarettes and their nicotine and tar content. There are modern Camel cigarettes with a flavored capsule in the filter that allows you to change the tobacco flavor while smoking. To do this, press the button on the filter and break the capsule with the liquid flavor. Depending on the type of tobacco, there are 1 or 2 capsules, which can differ in taste.