Sobranie cigarettes (first showed up in London in 1879. This is a top leader among the most noticeable cigarette brands.

The name of these branded cigarettes originated from the Russian club of favored individuals “Russian Noble Assembly”, whose office was in the point of convergence of London at St. James. By the late nineteenth century, it was seen in London and additionally in limited appeasing circles all through the world.

Nowadays, Sobranie cigarettes are directed towards different groups of cigarette consumers and have assorted packaging. For magnificent ladies, there are open shaded cigarettes: Sobranie Slims Blues, Sobranie Super Slims Pinks, Sobranie Cocktail, Sobranie Slims Mints, Sobranie Super Slims Whites. For men, the model choices are available: Sobranie Classic, Sobranie Classic Ultra, Sobranie Blue, Sobranie White Russian, Sobranie Classic Lights, Sobranie Black Russian.

The Sobranie cigarettes are one of the most established brands of tobacco items, which figured out how to bring the customers to the greatest satisfaction.

It is intriguing that Sobranie cigarettes are of English birthplace. Then again, their appearance ended up plainly conceivable attributable to the negotiators of the Russian Empire, who established the distinguished club “Russian Assembly” in London. Its sharers started to make the principal cigarettes with a tobacco blend of traditional pounding. For extravagance cigarettes of this brand, just fantastic tobacco assortments Virginia, Oriental and Burley were utilized.

At first, the cigarettes were positioned as tip-top items. Specific consideration was paid to the nature of the smoking blend and the paper, into which the tobacco was wrapped. The item was distributed, being stuffed in a pack of costly cardboard with a gold-plated print, reminiscent of the insignia of the seasons of Tsarist Russia. Astounding quality and right positioning of these tobacco items items figured out how to pull in consideration of the courts of Russia, Britain, Romania and Greece. The Sobranie cigarettes had turned into a perpetual quality consumption product of high societies, some portion of the noble picture!

Around a hundred of years, the brand had a place with individuals from the family Redstone. Just in 1980, the famous producer offered route to the English Gallaher Group, which was sold. As of now, the brand is owned by the giant enterprise Japan Tobacco. It is significant that even 100 years after their appearance, these branded cigarettes are still distributed under the brand name “Sobranie” as this is still an indicator of a superior quality item.

On the off chance that you have never tried this famous brand, it is time to do that now. We suggest you to purchase the Sobranie cigarettes in our online store. We offer only the best quality, unique items!