As much as the connection between cigarettes and irreverent cool has been hammered into our collective psyche, it turns out it can quickly be outdone One year after a law passed in 2012 mandating that home grown tobacco be packaged plainly with huge health warnings, researchers have found that smokers of the plain cigarettes are more likely to perceive the experience as less satisfying than those who smoke the branded kind.

In 2012, Australia became the first country to demand that its domestic cigarettes be placed in plain, brown packaging, with gruesome health warnings taking up 75% of the box. Before the law was enforced, some cigarette companies experimented with slight alterations. One company, called British American Tobacco Australia, printed the line, “It s what s inside that counts,” on the lid, much to the ire of the Australian government.

But in the months during the country s transitional period between branded and plain packaging, a survey of 536 Australian smokers found that 30% of the plain pack smokers perceived the quality of their cigarettes as lower, compared to 20.1% of branded cigarette smokers. More than 26% of plain packers reported less satisfaction with their unchanged cigarettes, compared to 14.9% of the brand loyalists.

One of the authors of the study, Melanie Wakefield, who is also director of the Centre for Behavioral Research in Cancer in Victoria, suggested in a 2007 paper that cigarette branding alone created a set of self fulfilled expectations, or “halo” effect. “The wider consumer marketing literature shows convincingly that the taste of food and drinks is able to be manipulated by branding and labeling,” she wrote. “The expectation influences how a person thinks a product might taste, which then influences one s taste perceptions and liking when the product is actually consumed.”

Researchers at the Centre also looked at how smokers viewed the government s heavy handed attempt to influence their habit. But of the plain pack smokers, only 32.3% of people saw the dangers of smoking as “exaggerated,” compared to 30.9% of the branded smokers. Even more significant was the fact that some 46% of plain pack smokers had thought about the negative effects of smoking often in the week leading up to the survey, while only 36% of branded pack users did the same. Some 68.8% of the plain pack smokers reported that they were seriously considering quitting in the next six months, compared to 57.1% of brand loyal smokers.

But what if brand loyal smokers were less likely to be swayed by public health messaging in the first place? As the study notes, “some of the relationships found between pack type and quitting outcomes could be due to those more interested in quitting being less likely to avoid or even to seek out the plain packs.” Still, almost 75% of smokers in the representative sample the vast majority were smoking from the plain packs as tobacco companies shifted to the new rule.

“Even if avoidance among those not initially interested in quitting did occur, it may actually contribute to increased quitting thoughts and activity, resulting in a positive net effect of plain packaging when combined with the overall effect of smoking from a plain pack,” Wakefield tells

The British government had been considering a similar model based on Australia s, but decided to chuck the decision in May. In the lead up to the abandoned proposal, the Guardian reported that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) one of America s most powerful, corporate backed lobbying groups supported by the Koch brothers had begun pressuring the U.K. and other countries that were considering plain packaging.

“There is no compelling evidence that the Plain Packaging proposal will achieve its stated objectives to reduce the initiation of tobacco use and overall tobacco consumption and to remove the package s ability to mislead and deceive consumers,” the group wrote in a press release opposing the Australian law in 2011. ALEC also added that plain packaging would exploit “the poor, elderly and most dependent smokers” in the Australian government s dastardly plan to improve health outcomes.

Not so, according to the Australian study. “While further research is needed to assess the long term effects on smokers as well as effects on youth, the introductory effects we observed are consistent with the broad objectives of the legislation,” Wakefield says.

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  • In 1913, Reynolds Tobacco introduced Camel cigarettes, containing a blend of several different types of tobacco a blend that would come to be called the American blend. Supported by a unique introductory teaser advertising campaign, Camel became the first nationally popular cigarette in the United States.
  • Reynolds Tobacco established virtually every packaging standard in the U.S. cigarette industry. The 20 cigarette pack was introduced by Reynolds Tobacco in 1913, and in 1915 the company introduced the one piece, 10 pack carton. In 1931, Reynolds Tobacco became the first company to package its cigarettes with a moisture proof, sealed cellophane outerwrap to preserve freshness.
  • In 1918, Richard Joshua Reynolds Reynolds Tobacco s founder died at the age of 68.
  • In 1925, Brown & Williamson purchased J.G. Flynt Tobacco Co. and its trademarks, including the popular Sir Walter Raleigh smoking tobacco. The following year, the company bought R.P. Richardson Company, which had just started to market manufactured cigarettes.
  • On March 24, 1927, in Winston Salem, an announcement was made that Brown & Williamson was being acquired by London based British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BAT) and reorganized as Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. This enabled the company to increase its production capacity and expand its distribution beyond the Southeast.
  • To expand its manufacturing capacity, construction began on a new Brown & Williamson factory in Louisville, Ky., in 1927. The company s Winston Salem office personnel relocated to Louisville in January 1929, and in 1931, the company s executive offices in New York also moved to Louisville.
  • Meanwhile, B&W s first national brand, Raleigh, was launched as a premium cigarette in 1928.
  • In 1933, B&W launched KOOL cigarettes, the first U.S. menthol brand to gain nationwide distribution.
  • In 1936, B&W introduced Viceroy as the industry s first cork tipped filter product. In 1952, B&W began marketing Viceroy with a new cellulose acetate filter.
  • In 1954, Reynolds Tobacco introduced Winston the first filter cigarette to achieve a major success in the marketplace.
  • Reynolds Tobacco introduced Salem the first filter tipped menthol cigarette, in 1956.
  • The Belair menthol brand was launched nationally by B&W in 1960.
  • The Doral brand was first introduced by Reynolds Tobacco in 1969. (It was repositioned and re introduced in 1984.)
  • B&W introduced Barclay in 1980, as an ultra low tar product featuring an Actron filter. In 1984, B&W acquired the marketing rights for GPC. In 1987, B&W introduced Capri, a stylish cigarette with a circumference of only 17 millimeters, the first superslim cigarette.
  • Reynolds Tobacco began diversifying into foods and other non tobacco businesses in the 1960s. In 1970, the corporation formed a new parent company called R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc.
  • In September 1985, Reynolds Industries acquired Nabisco Brands. In 1986, the parent company was re named RJR Nabisco, Inc.
  • In November 1988, RJR Nabisco entered a merger agreement with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) for the acquisition of RJR Nabisco by KKR. The merger was completed in April 1989. The acquisition was valued at $25 billion, marking the largest corporate transaction in history at that time. After being privately held for a period, the company s common stock returned to the stock market in 1991. In early 1995, KKR divested its remaining holdings in RJR Nabisco.
  • As a result of BAT s acquisition of American Tobacco Company in 1994, the Carlton, Pall Mall, Misty, Tareyton and Lucky Strike brands were added to the B&W brand family, as those operations were integrated into B&W in 1995.
  • Prior to 1999, RJR was a subsidiary of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp. (RJRN). In 1999, following the sale of the company s international tobacco business to Japan Tobacco, Inc., the remaining tobacco and food businesses were separated, and RJRN was renamed Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. (NGH).
  • On June 15, 1999, the former parent company, RJR Nabisco, Inc., was renamed R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc., and became an independent, publicly traded company again, with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company as its wholly owned subsidiary. The separation was accomplished through a spin off of the domestic tobacco business, on a tax free basis in the United States, to RJR Nabisco s stockholders. In a stock distribution on June 14, 1999, RJR Nabisco stockholders of record as of May 27, 1999, received one share of RJR for every three shares of RJR Nabisco they owned.
  • On December 11, 2000, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. acquired its former parent company, Nabisco Group Holdings Corp., in a transaction that netted RJR $1.6 billion in cash.
  • In 2001, in Indianapolis, B&W began testing Advance Lights, a cigarette with reduced levels of many of the principal toxins found in cigarette smoke.
  • On October 27, 2003, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. and British American Tobacco p.l.c. announced that they had signed an agreement to combine the U.S. assets and operations of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, the second and third largest tobacco companies in the United States.
  • On July 30, 2004, following approval by RJR shareholders and U.S. and European regulatory authorities, Reynolds American Inc. became the parent company of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company and Lane Limited. On a combined 2003 basis, the company would have had annual revenues of approximately $8.4 billion, annual U.S. domestic cigarette volume of 119 billion units, and more than 30 percent of the cigarette sales in the United States.
  • In May 2006, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company introduced Camel Snus, an innovative smoke free, spitless tobacco product made of pasteurized tobacco contained in pouches. Camel Snus was launched nationally in 2009.