Cigarette smoke from 2R1 research brand cigarettes and specific toxicants in smoke inhibit oviductal functioning. Our purpose was to test the hypothesis that smoke from commercial cigarettes, including harm reduction cigarettes, inhibits oviductal functioning and to measure the concentration of previously identified toxicants in smoke from research and commercial cigarettes.


Mainstream (MS) and sidestream (SS) smoke solutions from two research, six traditional commercial and three harm reduction brands were tested in vitro using an oviductal assay that measures ciliary beat frequency, oocyte retrieval rate and smooth muscle contraction.


Generally, smoke from each brand of cigarette was inhibitory in the three oviductal bioassays. SS, the major component of environmental tobacco smoke, was usually more inhibitory than MS, the smoke inhaled by active smokers. Nine cigarette toxicants, previously shown to be highly inhibitory in the oviductal bioassays, were quantified in MS and SS. 4 Methylpyridine, which was inhibitory by itself in picomolar doses, was present in the highest concentration in MS and SS solutions from all brands tested. In general, toxicant concentrations were higher in SS than in MS solutions.


These data show that commercial brands of cigarettes, including harm reduction cigarettes, contain toxicants that inhibit biological processes in the oviduct and could affect reproductive outcomes.

Best vaping e-cigarette brand – ego electronic cigarettes

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When the adverse effect of tobacco smoking is evident among the smokers, many addicted users of tobacco started finding ways to quit the deadly tobacco fags while some other remained addicted to it. Of late, the concern for tobacco smoking has increased rapidly which helped to develop different kinds of smoking cessations. The smoking cessations are designed with such features that it helped to stop the nicotine addiction in human being. Nicotine patches, nicotine gum and electronic cigarettes are the newly innovative products which came into prominence as the alternatives to tobacco cigarettes.

best vaping e cigarette brand

Among these various smoking cessation products, commonly we find electronic cigarettes are the most effective and efficient to curb the fatal habit of smoking. With this, many people who are the hard core fan of the regular cigarette are trying to give up smoking tobacco. Even country like, USA is in favor of using e cigarette. The e cigarette came into the US market in 2007 and since then, the smokeless cigarette industries are flooding in the US market. Various industries launched multiple brands of electronic cigarettes with extraordinary features and design.

DC Vapor is one such brand which many e cigarette users regard as the best vaping e cigarette brand. Generally, e cig showcases similar appearance and one can certainly mistake it for tobacco cigarette but with brand and design, you can clearly distinguish the difference among the two products. The eGo electronic cigarettes from DC Vapor are easily understandable as it includes high quality features and ultra modern look.

The DC Vapor electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco leaves instead using a special kind of mechanism named, atomizer, the e cigarette turns the e liquid, its main ingredient into vapor which the e cig users inhale and exhale. For such features where people can easily get rid of tobacco, the DC Vapor products are in high demand. Its notable products are The Vapor Menthol, Total Vapor Starter Kit, Vapor 123 Starter Kit and various unique types of e liquids.

The e liquids of this brand too are very classy and completely non toxic in nature. The e liquids do not contain any harmful substances which the tobacco cigarette contains rather, it is the solution of propylene glycol, glycerin and added natural flavors. The best vaping e cigarette brand, DC Vapor also introduced various varieties of e liquid like Dr. Mike’s Rad Vapors, Jameson’s Irish Vapor Juice, Space Jam Robo Fuel, The Standard Vape, Total Vapor E Liquid, Uncle Junk’s Genius Juice, Vape Addict Juices and Vape Chemist.

All these e liquids are harmless to our body since these products are devoid of tobacco and for which the e cigarettes do not come under the US tobacco law. With this present scenario, many people concerning about their health, started opting electronic cigarettes from the online stores. Hence, when your neighbor and your entire nation are trying hard to give up tobacco cigarettes then why not you become the example for others by using e cig. Try to fight with your addiction now and avail the e cigarettes from the best vaping e cigarette brand, DC Vapor.