Revised SDPC Mark on Every Stick of Cigarette

From 1 Mar 2013, all cigarettes sold in Singapore will have a revised SDPC (Singapore Duty Paid Cigarette) mark.

In addition to the letters SDPC , the new mark features a series of vertical bars around the cigarette stick (see illustration below).

From 1 Mar 2013, all cigarettes without the revised SDPC mark will be deemed illegal.

How Does the Revised SDPC Mark Look Like?

What are the Penalties?

Buying, selling, conveying, delivering, storing, keeping, having in possession or dealing with duty unpaid goods are serious offences under the Customs Act and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act. Offenders will be severely dealt with. They can be fined up to 40 times the amount of duty evaded and/or jailed for up to six years.

First time and repeat offenders of tobacco related offences will face minimum court fines of $2,000 and $4,000 respectively. Repeat offenders who are caught with more than two kilogrammes of tobacco products will also face a mandatory jail sentence. Vehicles used in the commission of such offences may also be forfeited.

Members of the public with information on smuggling activities or evasion of Customs duty or GST should contact the Singapore Customs hotline on 1800 2330000 or email customs intelligence

Frequently asked Questions

Please click here for a list of frequently asked questions on the revised SDPC mark.

Media Release

You can read the media release for more details on the revised SDPC mark.

Idhs: fire safe cigarettes

Bbc news – call for restrictions on sale of electronic cigarettes to children

Pam Bright
Fire Safe Cigarettes Program Manager
(317) 232 2222

Effective August 14, 2010, Fire and Building Safety Division will only be accepting a VISA Credit Card for those applications that are filed on line from our web site.

Cigarettes are the top cause of fatal residential fires in the nation. Cigarette fires kill approximately 800 people annually. One quarter of victims of smoking material fire fatalities are not the smokers whose cigarettes started the fire 34 percent are children of the smokers 25 percent are neighbors or friends 14 percent are spouses or partners and 13 percent are parents.

Many people assume that cigarette fires result from carelessness, such as improper disposal of cigarette butts or intoxicated smokers falling asleep. Technology has existed for decades to make cigarettes safer and less likely to cause fires.

Traditional technology keeps a cigarette burning even without puffing. This is accomplished by including a significant amount of citrate burning agents. Within 10 minutes, 90 percent to 100 percent of traditional cigarettes will cause fires in ignition tests and a cigarette can smolder for up to 45 minutes.

These cigarettes are not new. Patents for self extinguishing cigarettes were granted 70 years ago. Attempts to introduce legislation for fire safe cigarettes have not been successful, however, Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 28 established the Reduced Propensity Standards for Cigarettes sometimes referred to as the Fire Safe Cigarette Act in 2008.

In order to reduce the number of fires and fire related deaths and injuries due to cigarettes, the fire safe cigarettes place two bands on the cigarette paper that are less porous than the surrounding paper. These bands require smokers to inhale at these bands to increase oxygen and increase the temperature of the burning cigarette paper enough to burn through the bands.

In 2005, Indiana statistics on Residential Structure Fires Causes through the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) show that 124 reported smoking related fires occurred. These fires caused two civilian deaths, sixteen civilian injuries, and five firefighter injuries with property loss at nearly $1.5 million.

  • Fire Safe Cigarettes Fact Sheet
  • Beginning July 01, 2009, to sell cigarettes in the State of Indiana, you must be a cigarette manufacturer registered with the State of Indiana Attorney General and have a certification approved by the Indiana State Fire Marshal. To review Indiana Code 22 14 7

  • For detailed instructions on how to apply for the certification
  • For the currently approved Cigarette Brand Family List
  • If you are ready to begin online application, please have the following information ready
    Contact phone number and e mail information.
    Cigarette Style, size (length and circumference in mm), package, filter, and flavor information.
    Credit card information if paying by credit card You will have to pay instant access and credit card fees besides the normal fees to use this service.

  • Other important information when filing the project
    Keep all the information at hand when filing. If you walk away from the computer for an extended period (over 30 minutes) the application may time out. If the web application times you out you will have to re type all the information.
    If you have questions regarding cigarette certification, please contact Pam Bright.
    If you have questions regarding addition of a new manufacturer or a new brand please contact Pam Bright or Amber Degenhart
    If paying by check, there will be no additional fees. However, check must be drafted on a United States based bank.

  • If you experience technical difficulties using the application contact Raj Pulikal for assistance.

  • Online Application for Cigarette Certification

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