Salem CigarettesHaving appeared in the American trade in 1956, Salem menthol cigarettes created a furor: quickly won the domestic market of the country, they began to be exported, and in the same year reached the world leading level in sales of flavored tobacco products!

The secret of the success of the brand is in a thought over aromatic qualities of cigarettes. At that time, American menthol cigarettes were associated with only one brand – Kool cigarettes. Salem turned out to be different!

But these cigarettes were produced based on the needs of lovers of harsh, strong tobacco, and this complex bouquet was added with a strong minty smell.

Salem cigarettes were characterized by perfect combination of quality and taste. There was introduced up to 15% of the Turkish (sweet, with a thick soft aroma) tobacco and menthol impregnation and everything was combined very so concentrated.

As a result, having hardly appeared, Salem cigarettes have become a godsend for all adherents of mint flavor and good tobacco bouquet.

The first half of the 60s was marked by active performances of smoking opponents. Despite the drop in sales, Salem brand began producing cigarettes, harmoniously convenient for gentle and beautiful feminine fingers.

The one hundred-mm standard was accepted enthusiastically in the market: the middle-aged ladies have become the main consumers of new concept of menthol cigarettes.

In the early 70’s Salem cigarettes underwent a radical change in their assortment. There was developed and produced a new type – Salem Extra Cool, characterized by a high content of menthol.

The intensity of taste, availability of convenient solid box again bring Salem on global sales leadership positions.

The success was secured by the appearance of variations of Salem Lights and Salem Lights 100’s. The visual approach of advertising of menthol cigarettes is made up out of the most picturesque views of America. Salem cigarettes are purchased anywhere, and seventy countries import this brand.

Today, Salem cigarettes are not less popular than in previous years. Changes in the list of the owners of the brand, experiments with the introduction of new types of cigarettes into the market affect the brand in the most positive way.

Products bearing the brand Salem are constantly modified in their assortment. Some of the varieties of Salem cigarettes are sold in the US alone. But most of the items are available for the whole smoking world.