This is a photo of Nick Saban risking injury by moving too quickly. &#040 USATSI&#041

I truly hope that we never have to deal with as much debate about a rule that isn’t going to be passed ever again, but Alabama’s Nick Saban is still willing to talk about it, so we must as well. That’s because Saban is largely considered the man to “blame” for the proposed “10 second rule” that would slow down up tempo offenses for safety concerns.

Safety concerns that may or may not be real.

Saban talked to about the rule, and says he doesn’t care about taking the blame for the rule proposal, he just believes this safety issue is something that should be looked into further.

“I don’t care about getting blamed for this. That’s part of it,” Saban said. “But I do think that somebody needs to look at this very closely.

“The fastball guys &#040 up tempo coaches&#041 say there’s no data out there, and I guess you have to use some logic. What’s the logic? If you smoke one cigarette, do you have the same chances of getting cancer if you smoke 20? I guess there’s no study that specifically says that. But logically, we would say, ‘Yeah, there probably is.'”

I can think of another connection between smoking and up tempo offenses that Saban doesn’t mention all the cool kids are doing it. You want to be cool, don’t you? Of course you do, everybody wants to be cool.

Seriously, I get what Saban is saying. I really do. It’s simple logic to think that the more plays a player plays in the course of a game and a season, the better chance there is that he’s going to be injured. It’s just, the thing is, I don’t have any data to support it but that’s not stopping anybody these days so why bother finding it? but an argument could be made that a player is more likely to be injured in the “smashmouth” style of football that Saban prefers than he is in a spread offense. No matter how many plays are being run, nor how quickly.

That’s the thing about football. Players are going to get hurt. The truth is that instead of worrying about prevention a fight nobody is going to win we should all be spending more time worrying about treatment.

E-cigarettes won’t help you quit, study finds – webmd

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By Steven Reinberg

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, March 24, 2014 (HealthDay News) Contrary to some advertising claims, electronic cigarettes don’t help people quit or cut down on smoking, a new study says.

Users of e cigarettes inhale vaporized nicotine but not tobacco smoke. The unregulated devices have been marketed as smoking cessation tools, but studies to date have been inconclusive on that score, the study noted.

“When used by a broad sample of smokers under ‘real world’ conditions, e cigarette use did not significantly increase the chances of successfully quitting cigarette smoking,” said lead researcher Dr. Pamela Ling, an associate professor at the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at University of California, San Francisco.

These findings based on nearly 1,000 smokers are consistent with other studies and contradict the claims frequently found in e cigarette advertising, she said.

“Advertising suggesting that e cigarettes are effective for smoking cessation should be prohibited until such claims are supported by scientific evidence,” Ling said.

For the study, Ling’s team analyzed data reported by 949 smokers, 88 of whom used e cigarettes at the start of the study.

One year later, 14 percent of the smokers had quit overall, with similar rates in both groups.

“We found that there was no difference in the rate of quitting between smokers who used an e cigarette and those who did not,” Ling said.

There was no relationship between e cigarette use and quitting, even after taking into account the number of cigarettes smoked per day, how early in the day a smoker had a first cigarette and intention to quit smoking, Ling added.

However, the researchers noted that the small number of e cigarette users may have limited the ability to find an association between e cigarette use and quitting.

The report, published online March 24 in JAMA Internal Medicine, also found that women, younger adults and people with less education were most likely to use e cigarettes.

One expert said the study is flawed and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

“It’s an example of bogus or junk science,” said Dr. Michael Siegel, a professor of community health sciences at Boston University School of Public Health.

“That’s because the study does not examine the rate of successful smoking cessation among e cigarette users who want to quit smoking or cut down substantially on the amount that they smoke, and who are using e cigarettes in an attempt to accomplish this,” Siegel said. “Instead, the study examines the percentage of quitting among all smokers who have ever tried e cigarettes for any reason.”

Many of the smokers who tried e cigarettes may have done so out of curiosity, Siegel said.

“It is plausible, in fact, probable, that many of these 88 smokers were not actually interested in quitting or trying to quit with electronic cigarettes,” he said. “These products have become very popular and have gained widespread media attention, and it is entirely possible that many of these smokers simply wanted to see what the big fuss is all about.”