Rothmans cigarettes epitomize a true standard of quality. A steadfast devotion to old customs characterizes the English. And this feature is clearly visible and distinguishes them from other nations.

The manifestation of conservatism is felt everywhere – be it fashion, cooking, lifestyle – this spirit hovers in everything. It also involves the culture of tobacco smoking. Tobacco products have not undergone extensive changes for centuries. The British choose Virginia tobacco, they believe that cigarettes with its presence, especially rich and deep in flavor.

Rothmans brand products fully meet the demands of smoking enthusiasts. In the aromatics of cigarettes deep tobacco intonations are accentuated. The flavor presents classic tart and burning notes. Acetate elements are installed in the cigarettes in order to retain tar and remove harmful products of combustion.

The main merit of Rothmans cigarettes for consumers is a pleasant and low cost.

The company supplies the market with different cigarette options: for example, Rothmans King Size Blue is a favorite product with a classic character. Cigarettes focus their attention on smokers who prefer astringency in taste and intense strength.

In the product line, all smokers find their own cigarettes, focusing on their interests and preferences. Experienced fans of aromatic smoke are close to the classic tastes and medium-strong options. The youth audience will incorporate flavored samples into their daily routine.

What are Rothmans cigarettes?

In 1869, a son appeared in the family of Moses Girish and Ethel Rothman. At the age of fourteen, Louis Rothman left his hometown of Cherkassy and began working at a tobacco factory in Kiev, which was run by his uncle. It was there that the boy learned the main rules of cigarette production. Having saved up money, already a young man, he moved to England. At that time, the demand was for handmade cigarettes, which included Turkish and Balkan varieties of tobacco. Louis created such cigarettes and sold them under his own name L. Rothman & Co. Things went well, and in 1905 his company became a supplier to the English royal court, and a few years later the Spanish royal family regularly bought his cigarettes.