Many consumers are choosing the best of the best in the tobacco market. Premium products are always timeless. The answer is simple – the ingredients are of the highest quality, the recipes have been followed for centuries, which means the consistency of the product, its character.

The cigarettes of this brand will invariably arouse the interest and curiosity of gourmets who claim that any smoker should smoke them at least once.

Richmond cigarettes are a luxury item, and the brand’s regular advertising campaigns are a reminder of that. Of today’s variety of tobacco products, Richmond cigarettes surpass many of their counterparts in consistent quality. These cigarettes are associated with a high in every smoker’s mind, and their consumers are self-sufficient and confident individuals.

The brand’s slogan is that the best tobacco can be purchased, and it is not difficult to do so, and all products live up to what they say. Richmond stands out in the details, from the packaging to the quality of the filler. These are important and constituent components of the cigarettes.

Thanks to the variety of variations, Richmond cigarettes will appeal to many smokers – Richmond Collectors Edition, Empire Edition, and lovers of light cigarettes Richmond Cherry Nano Lights, etc. Judging by reviews on the Internet, the brand’s customers remain loyal to it.

Many claim that Richmond is a premium level, and out of reach for many consumers. But the price tags have now changed. Online resources now allow people to afford brands that were previously unaffordable. Luxury tobacco may not cost much, but you have to know the ways to look for it.

What are Richmond cigarettes?

As a separate brand, Richmond separated from the large Canadian corporation Imperial Tobacco in 1968. The main feature of this production line was a new filter, which was very successful in reducing the content of solid tar in the inhaled smoke. Cigarettes were produced for British gourmets, for they are considered to be the true connoisseurs of tobacco. The cigarettes were produced in a larger size than other brands. This earned them the name of royal cigars. Many smokers favored these products because it prolonged the pleasure of smoking. Richmond’s current line features a variety of products with both classic flavors and sophisticated aromas.