Marlboro Friday refers to April 2, 1993, when Philip Morris announced a 20% price cut to their Marlboro cigarettes to fight back against generic competitors, which were increasingly eating into their market share.

As a result, Philip Morris’s stock fell 26%, and the share value of other branded consumer product companies, including Coca Cola and RJR Nabisco, fell as well. The broad index fell 1.98% that day. Fortune magazine deemed Marlboro Friday “the day the Marlboro Man fell off his horse.” 1 for Philip Morris Investors interpreted the price slash as an admission of defeat from the Marlboro brand, that Philip Morris could no longer justify its higher price tag and now had to compete with generic brands.

Since the Marlboro man was an image that stood since 1954, it was considered one of the biggest marketing icons, investors reasoned that to see the Marlboro icon give in to a price war, the marketing itself must be ineffective. As a result of plummeting stock value in major American brands, 1993 marked a slight decrease in U.S. ad expenditures.

It was the only decrease to occur since 1970. At the time, this event was regarded as signifying “the death of a brand” and the advent of a “value minded” consumer generation who pay more attention to the real value of products and not the brand names. This view soon proved to be incorrect, with the rest of the decade’s economy being dominated by brands and driven by high budget marketing campaigns citation needed .

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Electronic cigarette savings: learn how to vape for only $1 per day.

Price marlboro cigarettes new york city. monte carlo lights price texas. cigarettes shop ‘cheap cigarettes 24×7′
Posted on February 12, 2013 by Johnny Burns

Electronic cigarettes vaporize liquid nicotine into a tar free &#038 odorless vapor. They offer the potential to save a fortune, especially over the course of a long period of time. Here are some numbers we have compiled together that will show you just how much you can actually save.

New York State Pack of Marlboro Cigarettes $9 $12 depending on your location in the state.
Contains tar, odor, carbon monoxide, known to kill 400,000 people per year.

Vapor King 10ml Eliquid Nicotine $7.99 Equals 8 10 packs of Marlboro’s.
Without the tar, without the odor, without carbon monoxide.

A single 10ml bottle of Vapor King eliquid is equivalent to 8 10 packs of cigarettes. We create this number by considering that there are 15 average puffs in a cigarette. We then recorded the amount of puffs that could be created off of a single bottle of 10ml eliquid. We were able to produce 3000 puffs. 3000 puffs per bottle divided by 15 puffs per average cigarette is 200. So we had enough vapor to smoke the equivalent of 200 cigarettes per bottle. 200 divided by 20 cigarettes per pack, is 10 packs. This means there is about 10 packs of cigarettes per bottle of eliquid. However, some people take larger puffs than others, and refill their unit more than others, which can cause this amount to vary between 8 10 packs of cigarettes per bottle.

If the average cigarette smoker smokes a pack of cigarettes per day at $10 per day. This makes the cost of a pack a day smoking habit to be 30 days x $10.00 per day $300 per month. And $300 x 12 months in a year is $3600 dollars per year.

A 10ml bottle of eliquid should last about 8 10 days for the pack a day smoker. The cost of a bottle is $7.99. This brings your pack a day cost to smoke, down to about $1 per day, $30 per month, $365 dollars per year.

Electronic Cigarette Savings Summary

Cost to smoke a pack a day of real cigarettes for a year $3600.00

Cost to vape a pack a day of tar free &#038 odorless nicotine vapor for a year $365.00

That is $3,235.00 in electronic cigarette savings per year, for the pack a day smoker.

Please keep in mind that you may also have to buy some replacement atomizers, and cartridges from time to time, which can increase the costs. But there are ways to clean cartridges, and atomizers, to extend their life. Which can add to further savings. But, the easiest and most efficient way to ensure your unit is operating at optimal performance is to ensure that you replace your atomizer and cartridges periodically.

Check out for more information regarding electronic cigarettes, starter kits, cartridges, clearomizers, disposables, accessories, eliquid, and more.

Share About Johnny Burns Johnny Burns is the co owner of Vapor King Follow Johnny Burns On Twitter. Connect With Johnny Burns on Google . Toll Free 1 877 324 4462 Address 279 Front St. Binghamton, NY 13905 Email jb View all posts by Johnny Burns This entry was posted in Electronic Cigarette Comparison and tagged Electronic cigarette, electronic cigarette comparison, electronic cigarette savings, electronic cigarettes. Bookmark the permalink.