1. Hanusz, Mark Smoke A Century of Kretek pp. 140 143
  2. “June 3, 1999 Where There’s Smoke, There’s Kretek The Cigarette Industry in Indonesia”. Retrieved 2007 07 20.
  3. “Cigarette Production & Consumption”. Retrieved 2007 12 30.
  4. “A Touch of Clove”. Retrieved 2007 12 30.
  5. Sejarah Indonesia a Timeline of Indonesian History
  6. Hanusz, Mark (2000) Kretek The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia’s Clove Cigarettes, Equinox Publishing ISBN 979 95898 0 0
  7. Kretek
  8. J.L. Malson, E.M. Lee, R. Murty, E.T. Moolchan and W.B. Pickworth (February 2003). “Clove cigarette smoking biochemical, physiological, and subjective effects”. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 74 (3) 739 745. doi 10.1016/S0091 3057(02)01076 6. PMID 12543240.
  9. G.C. Clark (1989). “Comparison of the inhalation toxicity of kretek (clove cigarette) smoke with that of American cigarette smoke. I. One day exposure”. Archives of toxicology 63 (1) 1 6. doi 10.1007/BF00334625. PMID 2742495.
  10. G.C. Clark (1990). “Comparison of the inhalation toxicity of kretek (clove cigarette) smoke with that of American cigarette smoke. II. Fourteen days, exposure”. Archives of toxicology 64 (7) 515 521. doi 10.1007/BF01971829. PMID 2073125.
  11. (December 1988). “Evaluation of the health hazard of clove cigarettes. Council on Scientific Affairs”. Journal of the American Medical Association 260 (24) 3641 36444. doi 10.1001/jama.260.24.3641. PMID 3057254.
  12. “A bill to protect the public health by providing the Food and Drug Administration with certain authority to regulate tobacco products. (Summary)” (Press release). Library of Congress. 20 May 2004. Retrieved 2007 08 01.
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  14. Paul Smalera (2009 06 08). “Cool, Refreshing Legislation for Philip Morris”. The Big Money from Slate. Retrieved 2009 06 22.
  15. “Clove encounter Philip Morris acquires Sampoerna”. Retrieved 2007 12 30.
  16. “Delaware Division of Libraries Blog”.
  17. “Brazil bans sale of clove cigarettes”. April 13, 2012.

Fatima (cigarette) – wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cigarettes news, articles and information:

Fatima Cigarettes (pronounced fa TEE ma) was a brand of cigarette produced in the United States by the Liggett & Myers (L&M) tobacco company. The brand dates to the 19th century, and was marketed as an exotic blend of Turkish tobaccos. The name Fatima, a common Turkish or Arabic woman’s name, helped bolster the Turkish image. Before around 1950, the package design included a stylized image of a veiled Middle Eastern woman.

The brand is perhaps best remembered today by old time radio buffs. In the late 1940s, L&M converted the brand to a king sized version and began an extensive radio advertising campaign. Fatima was the sole sponsor of the early years of the Dragnet radio series. The creator and star of Dragnet, Jack Webb, voiced a number of on air pitches for the brand and appeared in print advertising as well. There was also a short lived mystery anthology series called Tales of Fatima, hosted by Basil Rathbone. (Anecdotally, a Boston pharmacist who had smoked Fatima’s for years, after WW II noted a lack of Turkish tobaccos and wrote the manufacturer with his concerns. They apologized and sent a carton of some other brand they manufactured, even more lacking in any exotic leaf.)

The brand’s old fashioned image caused it to lose market share from the mid 1950s onward, and L&M eventually phased it out by around 1980.

In Dashiell Hammett’s “the Dain Curse” originally published in 1929 by Alfred A. Knopf Quote “She put it aside and offered me long Russian cigarettes in a white jade box. I apologized for sticking to my Fatimas…” This is the Continental Op character speaking in the first person, as always. The continental Op character is never named.

Quote from the same story, chapter 15 “I sat on the side of the bed, set fire to a Fatima, and cotradicted h m ……”

In Dashiell Hammett’s “The girl with the silver eyes” (1924) Quote “I leaned back in my chair and burned half a dozen Fatimas over the job”.

A quote from Dashiell Hammett’s story “The big knockover” (1927) “”With a Fatima in mij mouth I called to him, ………”

Also from “The big knockover” quote “I was asleep before the last draw of smoke from my goodnight Fatima was out of my lungs”.

A quote from Dashiell Hammett’s story “$106,000 blood money” (1927) ” .. made cavities in a package of Fatimas and thought ………”

Quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1920 novel “This Side of Paradise” We’re the damned middle class, that’s what!” he complained to Kerry one day as he lay stretched out on the sofa, consuming a family of Fatimas with contemplative precision.

In 1913, from a photograph of the first game at Ebbets Field, a large advertisement for the brand can be seen in right field along with a Bull Durham sign. see “dead ball era” wikipedia for this pic. Please insert link having current copying problems but the photograph is very educational

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