
Objective To describe Philip Morris’ global market research and international promotional strategies targeting young adults. Methods Analysis of previously secret tobacco industry documents. Results Philip Morris pursued standardised market research and strategic marketing plans in different regions throughout the world using research on young adults with three principle foci lifestyle/psychographic research, brand studies, and advertising/communication effectiveness. Philip Morris identified core similarities in the lifestyles and needs of young consumers worldwide, such as independence, hedonism, freedom, and comfort. In the early 1990s Philip Morris adopted standardised global marketing efforts, creating a central advertising production bank and guidelines for brand images and promotions, but allowing regional managers to create regionally appropriate individual advertisements. Conclusions Values and lifestyles play a central role in the global marketing of tobacco to young adults. Worldwide counter marketing initiatives, coupled with strong, coherent global marketing policies such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, are needed to break associations between young adult values and tobacco brands. As globalisation promotes the homogenisation of values and lifestyles, tobacco control messages that resonate with young adults in one part of the world may appeal to young adults in other countries. Successful tobacco control messages that appeal to young people, such as industry denormalisation, may be expanded globally with appropriate tailoring to appeal to regional values.

Philip morris launches marlboro medium cigarette brand in the uk

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Tobacco giant Philip Morris, owner of the world’s most valuable brand Marlboro, is launching Marlboro Medium cigarettes in the UK this month.

The move follows the success of Marlboro Lights, introduced in October 1986, and is understood to be part of the overall Marlboro strategy of selling the Standard, Medium and Light brands in all markets.

A spokeswoman from Rothmans, which will be distributing the brand, denies the launch is timed to beat the threat of a tobacco advertising ban if the Labour Party wins the general election.

She says “It has nothing to do with political considerations, but is being initiated in anticipation of consumer needs.” She refused to comment on the cost of the launch.

Marlboro Medium is already sold in European markets including France, Germany, and Holland.

It is expected to be sold in white packs with the icon of the red chevron, possibly edged in the gold of Marlboro Lights, at a premium price of about 2.96.

Sources say the brand has a stronger taste than Marlboro Lights, with a tar content of about 9mg, compared with 13mg for Marlboro Standard and 6mg for Marlboro Lights.

Rothmans confirms the launch will be supported by above and below the line advertising. Bainsfair Sharkey Trott, which handles the Marlboro and Philip Morris corporate advertising accounts, refused to comment on the launch.

Marlboro is the top worldwide brand, worth $44.6bn (29bn), according to the fifth annual survey of brand valuations, conducted by US magazine Financial World (MW June 21).

In the US, the brand boasts a 30 per cent value share of the market, while in the UK its total value market share (over the counter) is 3.7 per cent.

The Advertising Standards Authority has received 40 complaints, including ones from the Food &amp Drink Federation and the Biscuit Cake &amp Chocolate Alliance, about Philip Morris’ latest corporate European press campaign. The push argues passive smoking is less dangerous than, for example, eating biscuits or drinking milk.