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(l)) l l for(var k 0 k< /g decodeTextResult (/"/g,'"').replace(/&#39 /g,"'").replace(/&/g,"&") n (m,"") l k .k n return l ) ("Answers").autoSuggest function() return setUpSearchAssist function(e,f) d(e,f) ,"0.1", requires "base","node","autocomplete","autocomplete highlighters","datasource get" ) ("ya askbar",function(f) var g new () var c 5 var a function(h) (function() ("/ ","GET","",function(j) if( ) var i ("#" h) if(i) ("innerHTML", ) e() d() yar refresh("renderAskBar") ) )() var e function() var i ("#message1") var h ("#message2") if(i&&h) var j new ( node i,duration c,to opacity 0 ) () setTimeout(function() ("display","none") ("display","block") ,(c 1000)) var b function() ("Mimic Placeholder attr") var i ("#ask text") if(i) var h ("placeholder") ("value",h) ("focus",function(k) var j ("value") if(j h) ("value","") ) ("blur",function(k) var j ("value") if(j "") ("value",h) ) var d function() ().setUpSearchAssist("ask text",5) ("Gossip initialized for Ask Bar") ("Answers").createAskBar function() if( ("#ask button")) ("#askbar holder").delegate("click",function(h) ("askquestion","submit",1) ("#qask form").submit() ,"#ask button") if(arguments 0 ) c arguments 0 return render function(h) a(h) ,setUpGoss ip function() d() ,"0.1", requires "base","node","ya io","anim","autocomplete","autocomplete highlighters","datasource get","ya autosuggest" ) ("ya MCRD",function(d) (" ") var c,b var a new Array() (e) var f (j) if( ) (".mcrd error").removeClass("none") (".mcrd error").setStyles( width 271,height 108 ) (".mcrd bd").addClass("none") (".mcrd ft").addClass("none") ("#mcrd err msg").set("innerHTML", ) else (".mcrd error").addClass("none") (".mcrd error").setStyles( width 0,height 0 ) ("#mcrd err msg").set("innerHTML","") (".mcrd bd").removeClass("none") ("#mcrd").one("div").set("id", ) ("#mbrBA").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrNN").set("innerHTML", (0,19)) ("#mbrSNC").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrPNTS").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrLVL").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrTA").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrPNTW").set("innerHTML", ) var i (".mcrd topc"),h "img sprite badge " ("none") ("badge c") ("badge p") ("badge o") ("badge s") if( >0) var g (“#mbrNN”).get(“offsetWidth”) (“#mbrNN”).ancestor().set(“offsetWidth”,g 26) (“none”) if( ) (h “c”) if( ) (h “p”) if( ) (h “s”) if( ) (h “o”) if( ) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“.mcrd ft”).setStyle(“display”, ?”block” “none”) (“loading”) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op r&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “inline” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “inline” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op a&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) a “user ” id .add “none” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “none” a “user ” id .unblock “inline” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op r&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “inline” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “inline” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op a&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “none” a “user ” id .remove “inline” a “user ” id .block “none” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (k) (“loading”) ( , , ) () (true) () var i this,g new Date() var h (“id”) var j a “user ” h if(j) (j) f else f (“/ “, method “get”,data “u ” h “&l ” “& txnid ” (),arguments userid h ,on success function(o,n,l) if( ! 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