The master list of 599 cigarette additives below was submitted to the United States Department of Health and Human Services by the five major American cigarette companies in April of 1994. Ingredient lists of specific cigarette brands were not shared due to manufacturer’s proprietary “recipes”.

Tobacco companies reporting this information were

American Tobacco Company
Brown and Williamson
Liggett Group, Inc.
Philip Morris Inc.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

While these ingredients are approved as additives for foods, they were not tested by burning them, which can change their properties, sometimes in a toxic way.

  • Cigarettes Additives What they are and what they do.

To date, 7000 chemical compounds have been identified in cigarette smoke, including 250 poisonous and 70 carcinogenic chemicals. Carbon monoxide, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide and benzene are all present in cigarette smoke, along with a host of others.

The next time you’re missing your old buddy, the cigarette, take a good long look at this list and see them for what they are a delivery system for toxic chemicals and carcinogens.

Cigarettes offer people only a multitude of smoking related diseases and ultimately death.

The List of 599 Additives in Cigarettes

  • Acetanisole
  • Acetic Acid
  • Acetoin
  • Acetophenone
  • 6 Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane
  • 2 Acetyl 3 Ethylpyrazine
  • 2 Acetyl 5 Methylfuran
  • Acetylpyrazine
  • 2 Acetylpyridine
  • 3 Acetylpyridine
  • 2 Acetylthiazole
  • Aconitic Acid
  • dl Alanine
  • Alfalfa Extract
  • Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
  • Allyl Hexanoate
  • Allyl Ionone
  • Almond Bitter Oil
  • Ambergris Tincture
  • Ammonia
  • Ammonium Bicarbonate
  • Ammonium Hydroxide
  • Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic
  • Ammonium Sulfide
  • Amyl Alcohol
  • Amyl Butyrate
  • Amyl Formate
  • Amyl Octanoate
  • alpha Amylcinnamaldehyde
  • Amyris Oil
  • trans Anethole
  • Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil
  • Anise
  • Anise Star, Extract and Oils
  • Anisyl Acetate
  • Anisyl Alcohol
  • Anisyl Formate
  • Anisyl Phenylacetate
  • Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins
  • Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
  • 1 Arginine
  • Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • 1 Asparagine Monohydrate
  • 1 Aspartic Acid
  • Balsam Peru and Oil
  • Basil Oil
  • Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
  • Beeswax White
  • Beet Juice Concentrate
  • Benzaldehyde
  • Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal
  • Benzoic Acid, Benzoin
  • Benzoin Resin
  • Benzophenone
  • Benzyl Alcohol
  • Benzyl Benzoate
  • Benzyl Butyrate
  • Benzyl Cinnamate
  • Benzyl Propionate
  • Benzyl Salicylate
  • Bergamot Oil
  • Bisabolene
  • Black Currant Buds Absolute
  • Borneol
  • Bornyl Acetate
  • Buchu Leaf Oil
  • 1,3 Butanediol
  • 2,3 Butanedione
  • 1 Butanol
  • 2 Butanone
  • 4(2 Butenylidene) 3,5,5 Trimethyl 2 Cyclohexen 1 One
  • Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil
  • Butyl Acetate
  • Butyl Butyrate
  • Butyl Butyryl Lactate
  • Butyl Isovalerate
  • Butyl Phenylacetate
  • Butyl Undecylenate
  • 3 Butylidenephthalide
  • Butyric Acid
  • Cadinene
  • Caffeine
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Camphene
  • Cananga Oil
  • Capsicum Oleoresin
  • Caramel Color
  • Caraway Oil
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
  • Carob Bean and Extract
  • beta Carotene
  • Carrot Oil
  • Carvacrol
  • 4 Carvomenthenol
  • 1 Carvone
  • beta Caryophyllene
  • beta Caryophyllene Oxide
  • Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract
  • Cassia Bark Oil
  • Cassie Absolute and Oil
  • Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
  • Cedar Leaf Oil
  • Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
  • Cedrol
  • Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
  • Cellulose Fiber
  • Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
  • Chicory Extract
  • Chocolate
  • Cinnamaldehyde
  • Cinnamic Acid
  • Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
  • Cinnamyl Acetate
  • Cinnamyl Alcohol
  • Cinnamyl Cinnamate
  • Cinnamyl Isovalerate
  • Cinnamyl Propionate
  • Citral
  • Citric Acid
  • Citronella Oil
  • dl Citronellol
  • Citronellyl Butyrate
  • itronellyl Isobutyrate
  • Civet Absolute
  • Clary Oil
  • Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
  • Cocoa
  • Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
  • Coconut Oil
  • Coffee
  • Cognac White and Green Oil
  • Copaiba Oil
  • Coriander Extract and Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Corn Silk
  • Costus Root Oil
  • Cubeb Oil
  • Cuminaldehyde
  • para Cymene
  • 1 Cysteine
  • Dandelion Root Solid Extract
  • Davana Oil
  • 2 trans, 4 trans Decadienal
  • delta Decalactone
  • gamma Decalactone
  • Decanal
  • Decanoic Acid
  • 1 Decanol
  • 2 Decenal
  • Dehydromenthofurolactone
  • Diethyl Malonate
  • Diethyl Sebacate
  • 2,3 Diethylpyrazine
  • Dihydro Anethole
  • 5,7 Dihydro 2 Methylthieno(3,4 D) Pyrimidine
  • Dill Seed Oil and Extract
  • meta Dimethoxybenzene
  • para Dimethoxybenzene
  • 2,6 Dimethoxyphenol
  • Dimethyl Succinate
  • 3,4 Dimethyl 1,2 Cyclopentanedione
  • 3,5 Dimethyl 1,2 Cyclopentanedione
  • 3,7 Dimethyl 1,3,6 Octatriene
  • 4,5 Dimethyl 3 Hydroxy 2,5 Dihydrofuran 2 One
  • 6,10 Dimethyl 5,9 Undecadien 2 One
  • 3,7 Dimethyl 6 Octenoic Acid
  • 2,4 Dimethylacetophenone
  • alpha,para Dimethylbenzyl Alcohol
  • alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Acetate
  • alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate
  • 2,3 Dimethylpyrazine
  • 2,5 Dimethylpyrazine
  • 2,6 Dimethylpyrazine
  • Dimethyltetrahydrobenzofuranone
  • delta Dodecalactone
  • gamma Dodecalactone
  • para Ethoxybenzaldehyde
  • Ethyl 10 Undecenoate
  • Ethyl 2 Methylbutyrate
  • Ethyl Acetate
  • Ethyl Acetoacetate
  • Ethyl Alcohol
  • Ethyl Benzoate
  • Ethyl Butyrate
  • Ethyl Cinnamate
  • Ethyl Decanoate
  • Ethyl Fenchol
  • Ethyl Furoate
  • Ethyl Heptanoate
  • Ethyl Hexanoate
  • Ethyl Isovalerate
  • Ethyl Lactate
  • Ethyl Laurate
  • Ethyl Levulinate
  • Ethyl Maltol
  • Ethyl Methyl Phenylglycidate
  • Ethyl Myristate
  • Ethyl Nonanoate
  • Ethyl Octadecanoate
  • Ethyl Octanoate
  • Ethyl Oleate
  • Ethyl Palmitate
  • Ethyl Phenylacetate
  • Ethyl Propionate
  • Ethyl Salicylate
  • Ethyl trans 2 Butenoate
  • Ethyl Valerate
  • Ethyl Vanillin
  • 2 Ethyl (or Methyl) (3,5 and 6) Methoxypyrazine
  • 2 Ethyl 1 Hexanol, 3 Ethyl 2 Hydroxy 2 Cyclopenten 1 One
  • 2 Ethyl 3, (5 or 6) Dimethylpyrazine
  • 5 Ethyl 3 Hydroxy 4 Methyl 2(5H) Furanone
  • 2 Ethyl 3 Methylpyrazine
  • 4 Ethylbenzaldehyde
  • 4 Ethylguaiacol
  • para Ethylphenol
  • 3 Ethylpyridine
  • Eucalyptol
  • Farnesol
  • D Fenchone
  • Fennel Sweet Oil
  • Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute
  • Fig Juice Concentrate
  • Food Starch Modified
  • Furfuryl Mercaptan
  • 4 (2 Furyl) 3 Buten 2 One
  • Galbanum Oil
  • Genet Absolute
  • Gentian Root Extract
  • Geraniol
  • Geranium Rose Oil
  • Geranyl Acetate
  • Geranyl Butyrate
  • Geranyl Formate
  • Geranyl Isovalerate
  • Geranyl Phenylacet
  • Ginger Oil and Oleoresin
  • 1 Glutamic Acid
  • 1 Glutamine
  • Glycerol
  • Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated
  • Grape Juice Concentrate
  • Guaiac Wood Oil
  • Guaiacol
  • Guar Gum
  • 2,4 Heptadienal
  • gamma Heptalactone
  • Heptanoic Acid
  • 2 Heptanone
  • 3 Hepten 2 One
  • 2 Hepten 4 One
  • 4 Heptenal
  • trans 2 Heptenal
  • Heptyl Acetate
  • omega 6 Hexadecenlactone
  • gamma Hexalactone
  • Hexanal
  • Hexanoic Acid
  • 2 Hexen 1 Ol
  • 3 Hexen 1 Ol
  • cis 3 Hexen 1 Yl Acetate
  • 2 Hexenal
  • 3 Hexenoic Acid
  • trans 2 Hexenoic Acid
  • cis 3 Hexenyl Formate
  • Hexyl 2 Methylbutyrate
  • Hexyl Acetate
  • Hexyl Alcohol
  • Hexyl Phenylacetate
  • 1 Histidine
  • Honey
  • Hops Oil
  • Hydrolyzed Milk Solids
  • Hydrolyzed Plant Proteins
  • 5 Hydroxy 2,4 Decadienoic Acid delta Lactone
  • 4 Hydroxy 2,5 Dimethyl 3(2H) Furanone
  • 2 Hydroxy 3,5,5 Trimethyl 2 Cyclohexen 1 One
  • 4 Hydroxy 3 Pentenoic Acid Lactone
  • 2 Hydroxy 4 Methylbenzaldehyde
  • 4 Hydroxybutanoic Acid Lactone
  • Hydroxycitronellal
  • 6 Hydroxydihydrotheaspirane
  • 4 (para Hydroxyphenyl) 2 Butanone
  • Hyssop Oil
  • Immortelle Absolute and Extract
  • alpha Ionone
  • beta Ionone
  • alpha Irone
  • Isoamyl Acetate
  • Isoamyl Benzoate
  • Isoamyl Butyrate
  • Isoamyl Cinnamate
  • Isoamyl Formate, Isoamyl Hexanoate
  • Isoamyl Isovalerate
  • Isoamyl Octanoate
  • Isoamyl Phenylacetate
  • Isobornyl Acetate
  • Isobutyl Acetate
  • Isobutyl Alcohol
  • Isobutyl Cinnamate
  • Isobutyl Phenylacetate
  • Isobutyl Salicylate
  • 2 Isobutyl 3 Methoxypyrazine
  • alpha Isobutylphenethyl Alcohol
  • Isobutyraldehyde
  • Isobutyric Acid
  • d,l Isoleucine
  • alpha Isomethylionone
  • 2 Isopropylphenol
  • Isovaleric Acid
  • Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil
  • Kola Nut Extract
  • Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin
  • Lactic Acid
  • Lauric Acid
  • Lauric Aldehyde
  • Lavandin Oil
  • Lavender Oil
  • Lemon Oil and Extract
  • Lemongrass Oil
  • 1 Leucine
  • Levulinic Acid
  • Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract and Powder
  • Lime Oil
  • Linalool
  • Linalool Oxide
  • Linalyl Acetate
  • Linden Flowers
  • Lovage Oil And Extract
  • 1 Lysine
  • Mace Powder, Extract and Oil
  • Magnesium Carbonate
  • Malic Acid
  • Malt and Malt Extract
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltol
  • Maltyl Isobutyrate
  • Mandarin Oil
  • Maple Syrup and Concentrate
  • Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil
  • para Mentha 8 Thiol 3 One
  • Menthol
  • Menthone
  • Menthyl Acetate
  • dl Methionine
  • Methoprene
  • 2 Methoxy 4 Methylphenol
  • 2 Methoxy 4 Vinylphenol
  • para Methoxybenzaldehyde
  • 1 (para Methoxyphenyl) 1 Penten 3 One
  • 4 (para Methoxyphenyl) 2 Butanone
  • 1 (para Methoxyphenyl) 2 Propanone
  • Methoxypyrazine
  • Methyl 2 Furoate
  • Methyl 2 Octynoate
  • Methyl 2 Pyrrolyl Ketone
  • Methyl Anisate
  • Methyl Anthranilate
  • Methyl Benzoate
  • Methyl Cinnamate
  • Methyl Dihydrojasmonate
  • Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated
  • Methyl Isovalerate
  • Methyl Linoleate (48%)
  • Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture
  • Methyl Naphthyl Ketone
  • Methyl Nicotinate
  • Methyl Phenylacetate
  • Methyl Salicylate
  • Methyl Sulfide
  • 3 Methyl 1 Cyclopentadecanone
  • 4 Methyl 1 Phenyl 2 Pentanone
  • 5 Methyl 2 Phenyl 2 Hexenal
  • 5 Methyl 2 Thiophenecarboxaldehyde
  • 6 Methyl 3, 5 Heptadien 2 One
  • 2 Methyl 3 (para Isopropylphenyl) Propionaldehyde
  • 5 Methyl 3 Hexen 2 One
  • 1 Methyl 3Methoxy 4 Isopropylbenzene
  • 4 Methyl 3 Pentene 2 One
  • 2 Methyl 4 Phenylbutyraldehyde
  • 6 Methyl 5 Hepten 2 One
  • 4 Methyl 5 Thiazoleethanol
  • 4 Methyl 5 Vinylthiazole
  • Methyl trans 2 Butenoic Acid
  • 4 Methylacetophenone
  • para Methylanisole
  • alpha Methylbenzyl Acetate
  • alpha Methylbenzyl Alcohol
  • 2 Methylbutyraldehyde
  • 3 Methylbutyraldehyde
  • 2 Methylbutyric Acid
  • alpha Methylcinnamaldehyde
  • Methylcyclopentenolone
  • 2 Methylheptanoic Acid
  • 2 Methylhexanoic Acid
  • 3 Methylpentanoic Acid
  • 4 Methylpentanoic Acid
  • 2 Methylpyrazine
  • 5 Methylquinoxaline
  • 2 Methyltetrahydrofuran 3 One
  • (Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers)
  • 3 Methylthiopropionaldehyde
  • Methyl 3 Methylthiopropionate
  • 2 Methylvaleric Acid
  • Mimosa Absolute and Extract
  • Molasses Extract and Tincture
  • Mountain Maple Solid Extract
  • Mullein Flowers
  • Myristaldehyde
  • Myristic Acid
  • Myrrh Oil
  • beta Napthyl Ethyl Ether
  • Nerol
  • Neroli Bigarde Oil
  • Nerolidol
  • Nona 2 trans,6 cis Dienal
  • 2,6 Nonadien 1 Ol
  • gamma Nonalactone
  • Nonanal
  • Nonanoic Acid
  • Nonanone
  • trans 2 Nonen 1 Ol
  • 2 Nonenal
  • Nonyl Acetate
  • Nutmeg Powder and Oil
  • Oak Chips Extract and Oil
  • Oak Moss Absolute
  • 9,12 Octadecadienoic Acid (48%) And 9,12,15 Octadecatrienoic Acid (52%)
  • delta Octalactone
  • gamma Octalactone
  • Octanal
  • Octanoic Acid
  • 1 Octanol
  • 2 Octanone
  • 3 Octen 2 One
  • 1 Octen 3 Ol
  • 1 Octen 3 Yl Acetate
  • 2 Octenal
  • Octyl Isobutyrate
  • Oleic Acid
  • Olibanum Oil
  • Opoponax Oil And Gum
  • Orange Blossoms Water, Absolute, and Leaf Absolute
  • Orange Oil and Extract
  • Origanum Oil
  • Orris Concrete Oil and Root Extract
  • Palmarosa Oil
  • Palmitic Acid
  • Parsley Seed Oil
  • Patchouli Oil
  • omega Pentadecalactone
  • 2,3 Pentanedione
  • 2 Pentanone
  • 4 Pentenoic Acid
  • 2 Pentylpyridine
  • Pepper Oil, Black And White
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Peruvian (Bois De Rose) Oil
  • Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil
  • alpha Phellandrene
  • 2 Phenenthyl Acetate
  • Phenenthyl Alcohol
  • Phenethyl Butyrate
  • Phenethyl Cinnamate
  • Phenethyl Isobutyrate
  • Phenethyl Isovalerate
  • Phenethyl Phenylacetate
  • Phenethyl Salicylate
  • 1 Phenyl 1 Propanol
  • 3 Phenyl 1 Propanol
  • 2 Phenyl 2 Butenal
  • 4 Phenyl 3 Buten 2 Ol
  • 4 Phenyl 3 Buten 2 One
  • Phenylacetaldehyde
  • Phenylacetic Acid
  • 1 Phenylalanine
  • 3 Phenylpropionaldehyde
  • 3 Phenylpropionic Acid
  • 3 Phenylpropyl Acetate
  • 3 Phenylpropyl Cinnamate
  • 2 (3 Phenylpropyl)Tetrahydrofuran
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Pimenta Leaf Oil
  • Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch
  • Pineapple Juice Concentrate
  • alpha Pinene, beta Pinene
  • D Piperitone
  • Piperonal
  • Pipsissewa Leaf Extract
  • Plum Juice
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • 1 Proline
  • Propenylguaethol
  • Propionic Acid
  • Propyl Acetate
  • Propyl para Hydroxybenzoate
  • Propylene Glycol
  • 3 Propylidenephthalide
  • Prune Juice and Concentrate
  • Pyridine
  • Pyroligneous Acid And Extract
  • Pyrrole
  • Pyruvic Acid
  • Raisin Juice Concentrate
  • Rhodinol
  • Rose Absolute and Oil
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Rum
  • Rum Ether
  • Rye Extract
  • Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage Oleoresin
  • Salicylaldehyde
  • Sandalwood Oil, Yellow
  • Sclareolide
  • Skatole
  • Smoke Flavor
  • Snakeroot Oil
  • Sodium Acetate
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Sodium Carbonate
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium Citrate
  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Solanone
  • Spearmint Oil
  • Styrax Extract, Gum and Oil
  • Sucrose Octaacetate
  • Sugar Alcohols
  • Sugars
  • Tagetes Oil
  • Tannic Acid
  • Tartaric Acid
  • Tea Leaf and Absolute
  • alpha Terpineol
  • Terpinolene
  • Terpinyl Acetate
  • 5,6,7,8 Tetrahydroquinoxaline
  • 1,5,5,9 Tetramethyl 13 Oxatricyclo(,9))Tridecane
  • 2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6 Tetramethylethyl Cyclohexanone
  • 2,3,5,6 Tetramethylpyrazine
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride
  • Thiazole
  • 1 Threonine
  • Thyme Oil, White and Red
  • Thymol
  • Tobacco Extracts
  • Tochopherols (mixed)
  • Tolu Balsam Gum and Extract
  • Tolualdehydes
  • para Tolyl 3 Methylbutyrate
  • para Tolyl Acetaldehyde
  • para Tolyl Acetate
  • para Tolyl Isobutyrate
  • para Tolyl Phenylacetate
  • Triacetin
  • 2 Tridecanone
  • 2 Tridecenal
  • Triethyl Citrate
  • 3,5,5 Trimethyl 1 Hexanol
  • para,alpha,alpha Trimethylbenzyl Alcohol
  • 4 (2,6,6 Trimethylcyclohex 1 Enyl)But 2 En 4 One
  • 2,6,6 Trimethylcyclohex 2 Ene 1,4 Dione
  • 2,6,6 Trimethylcyclohexa 1,3 Dienyl Methan
  • 4 (2,6,6 Trimethylcyclohexa 1,3 Dienyl)But 2 En 4 One
  • 2,2,6 Trimethylcyclohexanone
  • 2,3,5 Trimethylpyrazine
  • 1 Tyrosine
  • delta Undercalactone
  • gamma Undecalactone
  • Undecanal
  • 2 Undecanone, 1
  • 0 Undecenal
  • Urea
  • Valencene
  • Valeraldehyde
  • Valerian Root Extract, Oil and Powder
  • Valeric Acid
  • gamma Valerolactone
  • Valine
  • Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin
  • Vanillin
  • Veratraldehyde
  • Vetiver Oil
  • Vinegar
  • Violet Leaf Absolute
  • Walnut Hull Extract
  • Water
  • Wheat Extract And Flour
  • Wild Cherry Bark Extract
  • Wine and Wine Sherry
  • Xanthan Gum
  • 3,4 Xylenol
  • Yeast

Source 599 Ingredients Added to Cigarettes

Rowan warr-hunter: e-cigarettes — freedom to vape

Electronic cigarettes: help or hazard? – harvard health blog – harvard health publications

If you want to understand what life is like for the Canadian entrepreneurs who are seeking to serve the growing demand for electronic cigarettes, consider me. My family and I own an online vaping business, along with a brick and mortar store located in Trenton, Ont.

There are four of us involved in the operation, with a total of 90 years of smoking traditional cigarettes between us. All of us have been smoke free for close to three years since we started vaping. Each one of us had tried every available cessation product on the market (medications, patches, gum, inhalers, cold turkey, hypnosis and acupuncture) with zero success at leaving cigarettes behind. One by one, we each switched to electronic cigarettes, and one by one each of us tossed out our ashtrays and lighters in favour of batteries and clearomizers. We were so impressed with our own success that we opened our business in 2012.

In December, our business received a letter from Health Canada entitled, Illegal sale of Nicotine E Liquid Products, informing us that the e liquid products we offer for sale (which users load into their e cigarettes) may contain nicotine and therefore may be in violation of the Food and Drugs Act and its regulations.

One by one, people in my family switched to electronic cigarettes. One by one, each of us tossed out our ashtrays and lighters in favour of batteries and clearomizers

The letter made a request for us to supply Health Canada with a list of all brand name electronic smoking products that we are importing and selling, as well as the name and address of establishments to which we have distributed e liquids. They also requested the ingredient list for each brand we carry, a copy of the product labels and written confirmation that our establishment has ceased importing, advertising, distributing and selling e liquids containing nicotine or other drugs.

Many vendors across Canada have received similar letters, and continue to receive them. Health Canada is effectively trying to put us out of business.

As vendors in Canada, we also are experiencing delays in hardware coming into the country, as well as delays in the distribution of food flavourings, clearomizers and the like. Vendors are struggling to keep stock while Canadian customs agents hold incoming orders for Health Canada to inspect for weeks or months at a time this despite the fact that hardware and general electronics does not fall under the scope of Health Canada s regulatory authority.


  • Ban on nicotine loaded e cigarettes aggressively enforced while some anti smoking advocates call for legalization
  • Proposed ban of too realistic e cigarettes by European Union draws ire of proponents of nicotine devices

The Electronic Cigarette Trade Association (ECTA) of Canada and its members have reached out time and again to try to engage Health Canada in discussions on how to properly regulate electronic cigarettes, to no avail. To date, no ECTA member has received a follow up letter in response to their replies to Health Canada warnings. What we do receive is another version, or a variation, of the same letter the next year. This has created a similar situation to that in the United States in 2010 The FDA was sued, and lost in court, for stopping electronic cigarette shipments. The courts repeatedly ruled that these products do not fall under the agency’s regulatory authority.

In our case, we replied to Health Canada with a registered letter, declining their request, because, according to their own Prescription Drug List, nicotine in the concentrations found in electronic cigarette vapour is exempt. ECTA has funded a study, conducted at a Health Canada accredited lab, which shows the amount of nicotine delivered by electronic cigarettes falls well below the 4 mg threshold set out by the government.

Which means that nicotine is legal for Canadians to buy, sell and use without a prescription in the designated forms, as long as there are no health or cessation claims made by the business selling them. (We do not market our products as smoking cessation devices, and advance no particular health claims.)

In the absence of proper regulation from the government, ECTA and its members have created an industry standard by applying all of the laws that are present in Canada to include regular testing of liquids in a Health Canada accredited lab, and product labelling as set out in the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations. All ECTA members enforce age of majority sales policies, both online and at retail locations. While Health Canada is telling Canadians that not enough is known about electronic cigarettes, ECTA continues to fund more testing, and is working with Canadian tobacco harm reduction expert Paul Bergen.

Contrary to Health Canada s statements on the issue, numerous studies on e cigarettes have been done worldwide including by Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos of the Department of Cardiology at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, and Boston University School of Public Health professor Michael Siegel.

Roughly 40,000 people in Canada will die from tobacco related diseases this year, yet Health Canada is choosing not to study, or promote, this smokeless alternative

Over the past few years, we have heard just about every argument, both for and against electronic cigarettes. But we think the most compelling is the basic idea of tobacco harm reduction Those who vape are reducing the amount of harm they are doing to themselves, and those around them, simply by finding a new nicotine delivery system that doesn t involve inhaling the by products of burning plant matter.

Electronic cigarettes are vaporizers. They vaporize liquid, which is made from a mixture of vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, food grade flavouring and (if desired) nicotine. Compare this to the numerous known cancer causing chemicals in tobacco smoke that Canadian adults can freely purchase across the country. The smokeless devices I sell deliver just four ingredients that tens of thousands of people already are using across Canada.

Roughly 40,000 people in Canada will die from tobacco related diseases this year, yet Health Canada is choosing not to study, or promote, this smokeless alternative. Instead, they are harassing and threatening the small Canadian business owners who are trying to make a living by selling a legal product that simply gives people a choice.

National Post

Rowan Warr Hunter sells electronic cigarettes and accessories at , where the motto is Life doesn t have to be a drag.