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  • Can you buy cigarettes safely online?

    You can purchase cigarettes online providing you then immediately pay your state the excise tax yo

  • Is it legal to buy cigarettes online?

    Yes, it is absolutely legal as long as you are at least18 years of age or older, and purchasing the

  • Is it legal to buy cigarettes from Europe online?

    Yes it is legal. However, be prepared to pay tax on them if they are coming into the UK. Don’t bel

  • Where can one buy discounted cigarettes online?

    There are many websites that sell discounted cigarettes online. Some of these websites include CigsM

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4 Reasons To Quit Baby, it’s COLD out here!!! Waste BIG $$$ smoking tobacco! Secondhand smoke stinks! Cigarette butt litter is UGLY!

January 27th, 2014

It’s been brought to our attention that we cannot allow the sale of electronic cigarettes via PayPal as it is a violation of their Terms of Service. To that end, we have removed PayPal as a method of payment for the products sold on this website.

You must be legal smoking age to purchase from this website.

4 Reasons To Switch But it’s very warm indoors! Save big $$$ smoking e cigs! No second hand smoke These butts belong on the beach