Internet Cigarettes Buying cigarettes on the Internet may seem like an inexpensive way to purchase cigarettes on first glance. However, most of the time the reason they are so inexpensive is that you do not pay the tax on them. Please be aware that the federal government does regulate all of the businesses within its borders and if one is not paying taxes, they will make sure they do pay those taxes. There was once a person who bought cigarettes from the internet for personal use, and s/he was taxed in one lump sum by the government because the company she bought them off had to surrender their customer lists. Imagine getting a bill from the government for $4954 in taxes and fines because you were trying to buy inexpensive cigarettes from the internet.

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Age Verification Failure

Electronic Cigarettes, Vaporizers and E Liquids are regulated products with age restrictions. You must be at least 18 years of age in order to purchase these products. State, County and City regulations may be more restrictive please check your local ordinances.

Reasons Failure may have Occurred

  1. Typo s and spelling mistakes are the number one reason for failure. Please verify your information closely.
  2. Age Verification is primarily based off of Driver s License data. To increase the likelihood of passing verify that your name and physical address are the same as they appear on your Driver s License. Nicknames and middle names will not pass.
  3. If your name or physical address has changed on your Driver s License in the last 180 days you may need to use your previous name or address.
  4. No abbreviations (Example Saint not St or Mountain not Mtn).