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  • There are many dangers of smoking to our body, tothe immediate family, to the society, to theenvironment as well as to the economy. Accordingto the survey, there are more than 700 chemicaladditives which are found in cigarettes. Many ofthem are classified as toxic and they are not allowedin one of danger of smoking is nicotine. Nicotineis founded in tobacco. It has no odor and no both of them are physically and psychologicallyaddictive. And it causes those who use it to want tosmoke one cigarette after another.
  • To help many people quit smoking, manycompanies has made many kind of electroniccigarettes, which is helpful to us to give up cigarettesmoking. Why E cigarette can help many peoplegive up smoking because it has same taste astobacco cigarette. However it has no toxic so itdoesn t harm to body. Thus the electronic cigaretteis known as an alternative to tobacco cigarette.
  • Vaporize Electronic cigarettes are highly effectiveand provide the same effect without horrible tastewhich is associated with traditional cigarettes. Whenyou use Vaporize electronic cigarettes they haveknowledge that there are no chemicals in such astobacco, tar, carbon dioxide, and benzene which isfound in traditional cigarettes. Your body will noticethe relief of cutting out all of those added poisons. Our customers tell us that they feel better, their skinis better looking and they breathe better.
  • Moreover electronic cigarettes not only provide youwith the effective nicotine but also they are also freeof smoke, tar and tobacco. When you use electroniccigarettes there is no more smoke smelling hair andclothes. Hence you breathe out pure water vaporwhich contains no odorOn the other hand, Electronic cigarettes are cheaperthan traditional cigarettes because Electroniccigarettes are a lot less expensive than smokingregular cigarettes. The traditional pack of cigarettescosts around $6. One electronic cigarette cartridge isequal to nearly a full pack and only costs $2.
  • Finally, All above are benefits of electroniccigarettes which we should quit smoking traditionalcigarettes. In my opinion, the most important benefitis that we will have a good health without smokingcigarettes which electronic cigarettes give us. Thatis a wonderful reason why electronic cigarettes are agreat alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes
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