gauloises_blondes_blueGauloises cigarettes are a French cigarette brand that is manufactured by the tobacco giant Imperial Tobacco Company. Since more than 100 years this company has been figuring out how to distinctly become one of the principle cigarette manufacturers of the whole world. At present, the Imperial Tobacco markets its smoking items in more than 160 countries of the world.

Gauloises appeared in 1910. Under some certain conditions; these cigarettes were favored for their quality and, prevalently, due to the usage of high-value tobacco sorts for the production of these cigarettes.

In 1950, a new product range of Imperial Tobacco was presented and the company started marketing the filtered Gauloises cigarettes, which stuff was the unadulterated American style light tobacco mixturet. In 1984, the brand encountered the last change and was renamed as Gauloises Blondes. Notwithstanding the fact that the Gauloises Blondes are at present manufactured in several nations (to an incredible part, their creation is altogether moved to Spain), they are still seen as a standout amongst the most customary French items.

The Gauloises Blondes are manufactured by utilizing tobacco mixtures, consisting of Syrian and Turkish tobacco sorts, which make the quintessence of these smokes subtle and perfect. Between the two World Wars, the people who smoked Gauloises cigarettes were considered as supporters of their country.

These cigarettes were supported and well-known as the preferences of such noticeable individuals as Pablo Picasso, J.P. Sartre, Jim Morrison and different various famous persons. Smokers from different parts of the world appreciate the Gauloises Blondes for their wonderful flavor and tart taste and, obviously, for their fantastic quality. Smokers express the opinion that these cigarettes let them be happy while smoking.

Gauloises Blondes mean a Freedom Forever!

Gauloises is one of those excellent cigarette brands that are recognized to grow worldwide and win the affirmation of an extraordinary number od smokers.

Due to online cigarette stores, you will have the chance to order these cigarettes at exceptionally moderate costs. Make these cigarettes to one of your preferences and you will be perpetually satisfied with these remarkable cigarettes!

You have a chance to order these cigarettes in our online shop at moderate prices and feel satisfied with these superior tobacco items.

Give us a chance to do our best for you and let you enjoy these wonderful cigarettes!