Gauloises cigarettesThe special blend used to make the three sorts of Gauloises cigarettes that you can discover available is the main thing you’ll see subsequent to attempting this brand. Rather than different cigarettes that join solid tar with a vaporous note, Gauloises promotes an alternate idea: tar and nicotine go as an inseparable unit to guarantee a full smoking background. Some would state this is risky for your wellbeing (which is valid); in any case, others would contend that there’s no other cigarette that runs preferable with bourbon over this one.

At first, Gauloises Ultra Lights (the yellow pack) have been promoted exclusively for ladies. In any case, this specific blend demonstrated somewhat powerful balance to young fellows likewise, on the grounds that the cigarette is sufficiently solid to propose a decent tar, yet sufficiently light to be delighted in by smokers who don’t have a great deal of involvement in this field.

Gauloises Legeres (the red pack) then again are as of now a work of art. Individuals laud the amazing harmony between the fundamental smell and the optional notes in this cigarette and furthermore comment that, subsequent to completing the cigarette, you turn out to be more relaxed than you’d be on the off chance that you smoked different brands.

The principle fascination, Gauloises Filtres (the blue pack) are absolutely astounding. You can continue smoking these cigarettes for quite a long time and still have the capacity to feel that specific flavor which made them renowned around the globe. Additionally, they tend to leave no delayed flavor impression in your mouth, which is vital for a general cigarette with such an extensive volume of tar and nicotine.

If it’s not too much trouble take note of that that there’s no genuine connection between’s the shade of the pack and the quality of the cigarette. On the off chance that you’ll have the capacity to intuit this for the yellow pack, ensure you don’t blend the other two: with regards to Gauloises, blue stands for customary and red stands for light.