Hey guys,

I have a whole lot of different customers come through and ask me specific questions about the E Cig and why they should consider it in many situations. Well let me give you a quick overview on when you should purchase this product and what it really means when they say it “helps you quit”.

First lets just get the facts right. If you do a little research you will almost always notice that the largest manufacturers of the Electronic cigarettes are located in China. Typically in Shenzhen and the number of wholesale sellers are in the thousands. Well if you carefully research you will notice that their is only 2 manufacturers, and they product more than just the E Cig. They product a ton of different related products that utilize Lithium Ion batteries and such. Well 99% of the time when you purchase locally or online you get the notion that you are going to buy a product that almost always has a better quality because it is branded.

I personally don’t even want to think about throwing out brand names, and trust me when I say that I have dealt with most. I was the first to start selling the Electronic Cigarettes at the local Malls and was forced to leave due to the temporary ban placed on them by the FDA during their research period. Well, I carried both branded and non name brand products and believe me when I say, they are exactly the same thing just one has a brand name while the other does not.

Now they make several different models and every company persists that their quality is better. I call bull on all of them and I dare them to show me why I should believe them. I know where they get it from and I know that their quality is no better than John Does quality. Its always the same thing re branded to offer you a much more reliable price of $150 plus!

If you are looking to quit and you think the E Cig is the way to go, I can’t say whether it is the right thing to go for or not. However, in my own opinion I think it helps. It did for me for quite some time until I went back to the habit. Now the costs can be more as they require cartridges and in 90% of the cases you can purchase the so called drip cans that can refill your cartridge. Although I think that is a bad idea as you never know how much your exactly getting. Now I recommend USA manufactured cartridges and they tend to cost more and they are hard to find. If you can’t find any then I drip at your own risk.

At Oasis Smoke Shops, I don’t carry any name branded Electronic Cigarettes however, it is the starter kit with 2 batteries a USB Charger and a wall charger. I recommend starting with this unless you want to go to the mall and purchase the $150 click to start models that do the same thing but cost almost 3 times more for something you can do on your own.

Now typically with the E Cigs, expect battery issues and above all constant replacement of cartridges like I had already said. Manufacturers carry two types of cartridges on the basic setup, ones that screw on (can’t typically refill or hard to refill) and ones that you simply pull off of the atomizer and replace. I recommend the second one as you don’t have to worry about breaking the atomizer every time you want to recharge it. Last thing, these things get hot sometimes and there is a ton of support online with a ton of forums to help you go the right route! Come check ours out, you won’t believe how cheap they are compared to everyone else around town.

P.S. I would never recommend the $10 cheap ones they carry at gas stations, they taste like junk and above all they are worthless. Also this is not coming from someone who is an expert. By reading this you agree that you can’t hold us liable to our opinions, and we are in no way advocating that the E Cig will make you quit.

N?1 ecigs ® launches brand new high-quality range of electronic cigarettes (16. januar 2014, 17:36 uhr)

Menthol cigarettes brand

As the global demand for electronic cigarettes keeps increasing, a company spokesperson for N 1 eCIGS, says that the company is poised for great success. The estimated number of electronic cigarette users across the UK has grown substantially and is expected to top 2 million users by the end of 2014, with sales having already reached 1.3 billion. E cigarettes have also been backed as a safer alternative to tobacco by the medical community, including The Royal College of Physicians.

N 1 eCIGS pride themselves on providing a safe, quality, high end product that you can count on. They also offer a varied product range consisting of 3 main lines that are all competitively priced and manufactured to the highest level of standards, in strictly controlled environments. Moreover, N 1 eCIGS refill packs, that are the equivalent of 200 cigarettes, are a fraction of the cost of traditional methods and start at a mere 7.99.

The three main lines are

  • N 1 Mini Packs 13.99
  • N 1 Midi Packs 17.99
  • N 1 Ultra Packs 44.99

E cigarettes are battery operated, rechargeable devices. As the user sucks on the gadget, an element is activated which heats a replaceable cartridge filled with liquid containing nicotine, turning it into a vapour that can be inhaled. There is no tobacco and no smell, but visible vapour is exhaled. They contain 4000 less chemicals than an ordinary cigarette, including no tar.

The cost of savings using an electric cigarette to that of traditional smoking methods is truly astounding. The average electronic cigarette user saves about 75% over the course of the year, to that of buying traditional tobacco cigarettes.

If you feel it’s time to change, buy N 1 eCIGS today!


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