• eGo Battery &#36 21.99 Select options Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    What does it feel like to vape all day long without ever changing batteries?

    Highly, highly satisfying.

    A single charge of the Genecigs eGo Battery will see you luxuriate through at least 800 puffs, courtesy of its colossal 1100mAh charge life.

    This is as good as it gets. Run of the mill 650mAh batteries don’t even come close to the Genecigs eGo’s 12 hours of non stop vaping.

    Available in classic black, sky blue, and candy pink.


  • 510 Clearomisers &#36 19.99 Add to cart Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    A systems upgrade for your 510 electronic cigarette. These elegant mini clearomisers combine the heating function of an atomiser with the superior capacity and user friendliness of a tank cartridge.

    With a very generous 1.2mL e liquid tank, the 510 Clearomiser provides up to 250 puffs of vapour per fill. The clear acrylic glass gauge takes the guesswork out of refilling, allowing you to see exactly when it’s time to top up.

    The 510 Clearomiser’s tank system doesn’t use gauze fibres, so refilling takes seconds. Say goodbye to refilling drop by careful drop, and hello to instant gratification.

    Available in classic black. Sold in packs of five.


  • Vivi Nova Clearomiser &#36 19.99 Add to cart Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    If electronic cigarettes were planets, the Vivi Nova would be Jupiter. With a staggering 3.5mL e liquid capacity, this mega sized clearomiser looks almost big enough to generate its own gravity field.

    Then again, at only 40 grams of weight, you don’t need to be a bodybuilder to enjoy the intense flavour and full bodied vapour created by the Vivi Nova’s multi coil wicks.

    Operating this mega clearomiser takes mini effort. Fill by unscrewing the mouthpiece end to pour in e liquid, rescrew the top, and you’re set for up to 700 puffs of the biggest vapour clouds on record.

    Give the Vivi Nova a spin on your Genecigs eGo Battery, and find out why size really does matter.

    Available in classic black.


  • Superior USA Blend E Liquid &#36 11.99 Add to cart Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    Marlboro and Pall Mall are two well known American blend style cigarette brands which have inspired the flavour of our Superior USA Blend E Liquid.

    American blend cigarettes are made from a mix of three tobacco varieties Virginia (flue cured and sweet), Burley (air cured and non sweet) and Oriental (fire cured and fragrant).

    These USA blends are known for their richness and smoothness, thanks in part to the sugars and aromatic flavours that are added in the curing process to make the smoke taste better.


  • Pina Colada E Liquid &#36 11.99 Add to cart Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    To recreate the iconic taste of a Pina Colada, flavours of smooth white rum, sweet fresh pineapple and creamy coconut milk are expertly blended together. The mixture is then steeped for months in dark, cool conditions to fully develop its character.

    The result is this delicious Pina Colada E Liquid, a tropical cocktail delight that is one of our most popular flavours. Be transported to an island paradise with every puff of its lush, fruity vapour.


  • Snickers Cupcake E Liquid &#36 11.99 Add to cart Details Wishlist Product added! View Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! View Wishlist

    The most indulgent vapour in our range, Snickers Cupcake E Liquid is an exclusive Genecigs dessert blend of candy confection and fresh baked gourmet cupcakes.

    Overflowing with luxe aromas and flavours of rich chocolate cake, caramel sauce, crunchy peanuts and fluffy nougat, this Snickers Cupcake vapour will definitely leave your sweet tooth satisfied.


Why Electronic Cigarettes?

  • Switch to an electronic cigarette and enjoy all the pleasure and relaxation of smoking.
  • All without putting your health at risk and suffering the financial burden of high tobacco taxes.
  • Electronic cigarettes help you avoid the stress and guilt of feeling pressured to quit smoking.
  • You don’t have to “give up” what you love you just start doing it in a better, smarter way.

Unfamiliar with this incredible technology? Find out how electronic cigarettes work.

Why Shop with Genecigs?

  • We make choosing an electronic cigarette easy by carrying only the most popular models.
  • Our website is beginner friendly and strictly jargon free.
  • Our electronic cigarettes and e liquids are certified to CE, RoHS and SGS international health and safety standards.
  • Our hardware products are protected by a 30 day money back guarantee and replacement warranty.
  • All transactions are 100% secure and protected with 265 bit SSL Advanced Encryption.
  • Pay with your choice of credit or debit card, bank transfer, or PayPal.
  • Nationwide tracked shipping is FREE when you spend over $100.

Visit our online store to find the right electronic cigarette for you.

Top 5 Reasons to Switch to E Cigarettes

  1. Healthier by far

    Numerous studies have shown electronic cigarettes are safe, and do not contain the tar and cancer causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

  2. Highly cost effective

    If you’re a typical 20 per day smoker and your daily pack costs $15, that adds up to $5400 per year. By going electronic, you could consume the equivalent amount of vapour in a year and save around $5000.

  3. Legal to use indoors

    Electronic cigarettes are not tobacco products, so there are no laws prohibiting their use indoors. Which means you don’t have to go outside with the smoking lepers .

  4. Delicious taste

    Many users come to prefer the taste of electronic cigarettes over tobacco ones. At Genecigs our e liquids are double concentrated for richness and purity of flavour.

  5. Makes you happy

    People all over the world have reported living healthier, happier lives thanks to making the switch to electronic cigarettes.

See our range of products to get started.

Tobacco packaging warning messages – wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Discovery health “how does your body digest a cigarette?”
Cigarettes edit

  • Caution Cigarette Smoking May be Hazardous to Your Health (1966 1970)
  • Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined that Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health (1970 1985)
  • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. (1985 )
  • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. (1985 )
  • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. (1985 )
  • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. (1985 )

Though the United States started the trend of labeling cigarette packages with health warnings, today the country has one of the smallest, least prominent warnings placed on their packages. 29 Warnings are usually in small typeface placed along one of the sides of the cigarette packs with colors and fonts that closely resemble the rest of the package, so the warnings essentially are integrated and do not stand out with the rest of the cigarette package. 29

However, this is subject to change as the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 requires color graphics with supplemental text that depicts the negative consequences of smoking to cover 50 percent of the front and rear of each pack. The nine new graphic warning labels were announced by the FDA in June 2011 and were required to appear on packaging by September 2012, though this was delayed by legal challenges. 30

In August 2011, five tobacco companies filed a lawsuit against the FDA in an effort to reverse the new warning mandate. Tobacco companies claimed that being required to promote government anti smoking campaigns by placing the new warnings on packaging violates the companies’ free speech rights. 31 Additionally, R.J. Reynolds, Lorillard, Commonwealth Brands Inc., Liggett Group LLC and Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Inc. claimed that the graphic labels are an unconstitutional way of forcing tobacco companies to engage in anti smoking advocacy on the government’s behalf. 32 A First Amendment lawyer, Floyd Abrams, represented the tobacco companies in the case, contending that requiring graphic warning labels on a lawful product cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny. 33 The Association of National Advertisers and the American Advertising Federation also filed a brief in the suit, arguing that the labels infringe on commercial free speech and could lead to further government intrusion if left unchallenged. 34

On 29 February 2012, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon ruled that the labels violate the right to free speech in the First Amendment. 35 However, the following month the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit upheld the majority of the Tobacco Control Act of 2009, including the part requiring graphic warning labels. In April 2013 the Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal to this ruling, allowing the new labels to stand. As the original ruling against the FDA images was not actually reversed, the FDA will again need to go through the process of developing the new warning labels, and the timetable and final product remain unknown. 36 37 38 39

Cigars edit

  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING Cigar Smoking Can Cause Cancers Of The Mouth And Throat, Even If You Do Not Inhale.
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING Cigars Are Not A Safe Alternative To Cigarettes.
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING Tobacco Smoke Increases The Risk Of Lung Cancer And Heart Disease, Even In Nonsmokers.
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING Cigar Smoking Can Cause Lung Cancer And Heart Disease.
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING Tobacco Use Increases The Risk Of Infertility, Stillbirth, And Low Birth Weight.
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING This Product Contains/Produces Chemicals Known To The State Of California To Cause Cancer, And Birth Defects Or Other Reproductive Harm.

Stronger warning labels started to appear in May 2010

Smokeless tobacco edit

Effective June 2010, the following labels began to appear on smokeless tobacco products and their advertisements.

  • WARNING This product can cause mouth cancer.
  • WARNING This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss.
  • WARNING This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes.
  • WARNING Smokeless tobacco is addictive.

The new warnings are required to comprise 30 percent of two principal display panels on the packaging on advertisements, the health warnings must constitute 20 percent of the total area. 40

Venezuela edit

For many years in Venezuela, the only warning in cigarette packs was printed in a very small typeface along one of the sides

“Se ha determinado que el fumar cigarrillos es nocivo para la salud, Ley de impuesto sobre cigarrillos” (It has been determined that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health, Cigarette Tax Law) Since 14 September 1978

On 24 March 2005, another warning was introduced in every cigarette pack “Este producto contiene alquitr n, nicotina y mon xido de carbono, los cuales son cancer genos y t xicos. No existen niveles seguros para el consumo de estas sustancias” (This product contains tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, which are carcinogenic and toxic. There are no safe levels for consumption of these substances”.

1978’s warning, was not removed, now every cigarette pack contains both warnings (one on each lateral).

In addition, since 24 March 2005, one of the following warnings is randomly printed very prominently, along with a graphical image, occupying the 100% of the back of the pack (40% for the text warning and 60% for the image)

  • Este producto es da ino para la salud y produce adicci n (This product is hazardous to your health and is addictive) View image dead link
  • Fumar causa mal aliento, p rdida de muelas y c ncer de boca (Smoking causes bad breath, tooth decay and mouth cancer) view image dead link
  • Fumar causa c ncer de pulm n, tos, enfisema pulmonar y bronquitis cr nica (Smoking causes lung cancer, coughing, pulmonar emphysema and chronic bronchitis), the picture is a comparison between a smoker s lung (left) and a healthy lung (right) view image dead link
  • Fumar causa infarto al coraz n, Q.E.P.D. al portador, muerto por fumador (Smoking causes cardiac infarction, R.I.P. bearer, Killed by smoking) view image dead link
  • Fumar durante el embarazo da a la salud de tu beb (Smoking while pregnant harms your baby) view image dead link
  • Los ni os y ni as comienzan a fumar al ver adultos fumando (Children start smoking when they see adults smoke) view image dead link
  • Fumar cigarrillos causa c ncer de laringe (Smoking cigarettes causes larynx cancer) view image dead link
  • Fumar causa impotencia en los hombres (Smoking causes impotence in men) view image dead link
  • El humo del cigarrillo afecta tambi n a quien no fuma (Cigarette smoke also harms those who don’t smoke) view image dead link
  • Da hoy el primer paso, dejar de fumar es posible (take today your first step, quitting is possible) view image dead link

Also, in Venezuela, tobacco advertising is strictly forbidden, so much so that the words tobacco, cigarette, cigar, etc. are not permitted in media such as radio and television and no one can smoke on television.

In the campaign called “Venezuela 100% libre de humo” (Venezuela, 100% Smoke free), curiously, these warnings only appear on cigarette packs and not on other tobacco products (which only conserve the 1978’s warning).

References edit