Can t seem to settle on which is the best e cigarette for you? Tired of researching electronic cigarette review websites that give you little to no real information outside of what the e cig companies are already telling you? We understand!

Enter ECCR The world s top 10 e cigarette brands, independently tested and reviewed by our editors and consumers such as yourself.

Above you will find menus for the Editor Reviews and Consumer Reviews. These e cigarette reviews contain in depth analysis of the e cigarettes listed on the site, including consideration of all the important characteristics you love in your smoking experience flavor & taste, style, appearance of pack/accessories and the e cig itself, vapor production (the equivalent measurement of the amount of smoke you’d get out of a regular cigarette), ease of draw, and value for money. Since you’re most likely going to buy electronic cigarettes in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada and so forth from an online store, we also rate customer service and shipment speed.

Below you will find easy to understand charts that list the Editors Top 3 e cigarettes and the Consumers top 10 e cigarettes. These top three are our absolute favorite, consistent performers what we’d consider to be the best electronic cigarettes on the market. Each chart has specific links to further information on each e cigarette including in depth video reviews, along with comprehensive write ups for each product by the editor and/or reviews by consumers who have actually purchased the product.

We also provide you with direct links to the merchant of each electronic cigarette along with discount coupons/codes to save you some money should you wish to buy electronic cigarettes direct from any of the manufacturers.

While you are here you may also wish to review the e Cig News blog, our editors chart for the best electronic cigarettes, review your existing kit, find out more About Us, check our frequently asked questions about e cigs under the FAQ, or contact us for further information on our Contact Us page.

We sincerely hope that the resources we have provided for you at ECCR will help you to make a more informed and satisfying electronic cigarette purchase.

Happy Vaping! Team ECCR

Best electronic cigarettes

E-cigarette use doubles among teen students, cdc reports – cbs news
Many smokers are beginning to move away from the traditional cigarette and switching to the nascent electronic cigarette (also known as the smokeless cigarette, or simply, e cig). Numerous companies are now starting to sell e cigarettes to customers around the world, adding to the industry’s growth. While the e cigarette industry is still much smaller than the tobacco industry, it has certainly flourished over the last several years. In 2011, an estimated $2 billion had been spent on e cigarettes worldwide, and one in five Americans had tried an e cig at least once. E cigarette smoking will likely continue to increase in popularity, but it is critical to become informed about electronic cigarettes and their potential health risks before buying a pack. Here are some of the most important things you need to know.

What is an electronic cigarette?
The electronic cigarette is a relatively new technology that is often referred to as an e cigarette, or simply e cig. It is a battery powered device that converts liquid nicotine into a vapor that users inhale, simulating the act of tobacco smoking. Unlike tobacco smoking, however, e cigarette smoking does not involve any fire, ash, or smoky smell. In addition, electronic cigarettes do not contain many of the 4,000 harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, such as carbon monoxide, lead, acetone, and tar. They do not even contain tobacco. E cigarettes are therefore often seen as a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes, which cause millions of deaths every year. Manufacturers produce either very discrete or very stylish electronic cigarettes. They might look like a pen, they may look like a bold fashion statement with fluorescent pink or corvette red coloring, or they can look just like the real thing.

How does it work?
Lighting a traditional cigarette causes the tobacco to burn, releasing smoke that contains nicotine. The user breathes in the smoke to deliver nicotine to the lungs. An electronic cigarette does not rely on this process of combustion. Instead, it heats a nicotine liquid and converts the liquid to a vapor, or mist, that the user inhales. Depending on the e cigarette, the user may simply inhale from the cartridge to begin the vaporization process, though some devices have a manual switch that activates the vaporizer inside.

An e cigarette has three main parts a rechargeable lithium battery, a vaporization chamber, and a cartridge. The lithium battery powers the e cigarette and can be charged with a wall charger or the USB port that you use to charge your other electronic devices. The charged battery is connected to the vaporization chamber, a hollow tube that contains electronic controls and an atomizer the component that creates the vapor. Before you activate the device, you will need to attach a cartridge containing nicotine liquid to the vaporization chamber. The tip of the cartridge serves as the e cigarette’s mouthpiece.

You inhale the same way you do when smoking a regular cigarette. This inhalation activates the atomizer to heat the liquid in the cartridge and convert the liquid to a vapor. Inhaling this vapor through the mouthpiece delivers nicotine to the lungs, and then you exhale vapor that looks much like a cloud of cigarette smoke. In this sense, you will enjoy many of the same sensations as tobacco smoking holding the device in your hand, inhaling, and exhaling. Many e cigarettes even have a light emitting diode (LED) on the end that lights up when you inhale, simulating flame.

The liquid or “smoke juice” that fills the cartridges is predominately propylene glycol, an additive that the FDA has approved for use in food. It is also commonly used in fog machines to create a smoky atmosphere at concerts and nightclubs. You can buy cartridges containing different amounts of nicotine, or no nicotine at all. Manufacturers usually add flavorings to the liquid, ranging from tobacco and menthol flavors to chocolate, vanilla, coffee, and more.

Why make the switch?
Cigarette smoking is one of the most difficult habits to break, and you may have already tried quitting at some point in your life. Electronic cigarettes can serve as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, allowing you to enjoy the act of smoking and the effects of nicotine without having to worry about many of the harmful chemicals that come with traditional cigarettes. While many smokers are drawn by the fact that e cigarettes contain fewer chemicals, there are various other reasons to make the switch.

1. No Ash E cigarettes work through heating a solution to turn it into vapor. Since this doesn t involve any combustion, it doesn t produce any ash. You can therefore get rid of the stinking, ash caked tray overflowing with cigarette butts.

2. Save Money A single e cigarette cartridge contains the same amount of nicotine as around 20 cigarettes. When you consider the fact that you can get five packs of cartridges for the same price as two packs of cigarettes (if you happen to live in one of the cheapest states for tobacco, that is), the cost savings are evident.

3. Delicious Flavors E cigarettes can be flavored much more easily than tobacco. You still get your nicotine, but you can enjoy it in berry, vanilla, chocolate, or coffee. You can explore a world of tastes, including some modeled on classic tobacco cigarettes.

4. Choose Your Strength. Not all e cigs contain the same amount of nicotine. In fact, you can usually get different strengths depending on how much you need. So you can start on 18 mg cartridges, and then as you get used to it, work down to 12 mg, 6 mg, and eventually no nicotine at all if you like.

5. Kick the Habit. Since you can adjust the levels of nicotine in an e cigarette, you may find it easier to quit smoking. You can gradually wean yourself off nicotine and eventually release your body from the steady stream of carcinogens found in a normal cigarette.

6. No Fire Risk. If you fall asleep with a cigarette in your hand, it could spell disaster ruined home, torched family memories, and possibly worse. But nothing will happen if you fall asleep with an e cig in your hand. There is no fire involved, so there is no danger.

7. No Smoky Smell. The smell of smoke is extremely off putting to many people. Most smokers don’t even like their clothes reeking of pungent cigarettes. E cigarettes only have a faint smell, and that is mostly due to the flavoring. With cigarettes, you may smell like an ashtray with e cigarettes, you smell faintly of chocolate, or coffee, or any flavor you choose.

8. No Second Hand Smoke. E cigarettes don t emit anything out from the tip (the side stream you get with cigarettes), and since there are less chemicals in the vapor, they don t pose a risk to anybody close to you.

9. No Smoker s Cough. The wide array of toxins present in cigarette smoke irritates the back of the throat and causes a smoker s cough. E cigarettes don t have these toxins, so the cough will disappear!

10. No Stained Teeth. Since electronic cigarettes contain fewer harmful substances and dirty chemicals, you won’t stain your teeth a yellow brown color.

If you do decide to make the switch, it is important to be aware of the fact that you may continue to have cravings for regular cigarettes. It takes some smokers a few days, while it takes others an entire year to completely transition from traditional to electronic cigarettes it really depends on the user. This is normal and something all new e cig smokers go through. Bear in mind that your body is accustomed to taking in thousands of toxins and carcinogens from the traditional cigarettes you have been smoking. Your body will need time to adjust to the lack of chemicals since, like nicotine, your body has become dep
endent on them. Regardless of the amount of time is takes you make the switch, know that electronic cigarettes can help you lessen the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Traditional and electronic cigarettes are remarkably similar in design and function, which is why many see e cigarette smoking as an excellent substitute or alternative to tobacco smoking. But there are various differences between these two types of cigarettes, several of which are described below.

The first major difference between an electronic cigarette and a tobacco cigarette is the smoke. Unlike a regular cigarette, an electronic cigarette does not emit any smoke. Instead, it generates water vapor, which is considered to be less harmful to your body and better for the environment than the chemical ridden smoke emitted by tobacco cigarettes. Another distinction between the two cigarette types is the smoking mechanism. Traditional cigarettes use the process of ignition to convert solid nicotine into smoke, meaning they need the aid of a flame to become lit. But with e cigarettes, the atomizer provides the necessary combustion to convert the liquid nicotine into water vapors, permitting you to make use of the smokeless device without a match or lighter. Finally, e cigarettes tend to be much cheaper than regular cigarettes, making them the more cost effective option.

How to Choose
Choosing the right e cigarette is the best way to start an effective program that can help you quit smoking. Such a choice can also help you cut down on your nicotine consumption or simply discover a cheaper and more accessible way to rejoice in your habit. Choosing the ideal electronic cigarette for your personal tastes and consumption levels is significant in harvesting worthy benefits out of this transition. The sections below describe some of the key factors you should consider when deciding which electronic cigarette to buy. They will help to ensure you select a product that provides optimal satisfaction, reasonable usage costs, sufficient nicotine levels, and favorable flavors. Once you’re ready to start comparing, head back to the search results page and use the various filters to help narrow your options. With 28 electronic cigarettes to choose from, we can help find the best one for you.