Every V2 electronic cigarette review proves that this is the most popular brand of e cigarettes available in the US market. There are many reasons behind this popularity which has increased manifold recently due to the significant changes made in the quality of the V2 e cigarettes and their packaging. Earlier the battery of these cigarettes was very weak and smokers had to take really deep drags to get sufficient amount of vapor. This was unlike the drag of a real cigarette and many people found themselves craving for the real thing because of this drawback. However, this was rectified by the manufacturers and now the V2 electronic cigarettes have a stronger battery that provides sufficient mouthfuls of vapor.

Another significant change has been made in the packaging of the accessories, although the pack carrying the cigarette remains untouched because it already had a very popular design. The accessories have become more attractive enticing more people to opt for the V2 brand of electronic cigarettes. The company has gained a lot in terms of sales and profit due to these changes.

The main reason for the popularity of the V2 brand of e cigarettes is their price. They have the best price vs. quality comparison among all brands of e cigarettes and every V2 electronic cigarette review says this. People say that they get optimum satisfaction from this brand at a very reasonable price. This difference in cost becomes more significant when you compare the price of V2 e cigarettes with an equivalent quantity of real cigarettes. Needless to say, you will end up saving quite an amount of money in the long run.

According to people who have tried this brand and are loyal to it, the flavor of the vapor of the V2 e cigarettes is very close to the flavor of real tobacco smoke. Heavy smokers can benefit a lot from this because these people don t usually opt for the fancy flavors and prefer the flavor of tobacco smoke. This helps to wean them off the real thing and keeps them out of harm s way. Even people who like to try different flavors have a really wide choice of 10 different and unique flavors available with the V2 brand of e cigarettes.

Another fact that every V2 electronic cigarette review emphasizes is the excellent customer service provided by the company. The product is really of great quality and usually does not give the user any trouble, but in case you do face a hassle, you will get ample support via telephone, email and even live chat. The company also takes the onus of seeing to it that the shipments are delivered on time although actually speaking a delay in shipment may not entirely be their fault. The company also offers a warranty on all their products for up to five replacements. Such a warranty is good enough for any e cigarette kit. Hence opting for V2 brand of e cigarettes instead of the real ones will be a very good idea and help you kick the addiction.

Get to Know About the Best V2 Flavors

The e juice in the electronic cigarette is the source of the vapor produced in the electronic cigarette. The e juice is the juice that is tested and mixed with nicotine and different food flavorings. The food flavorings that the e juice contains have a base of propylene glycol. The propylene glycol is the base that is commonly used in toothpaste, food, asthma inhalers, and fog machines. The e liquids are available in different strengths of nicotine. The e juice of zero strength has no nicotine.

There are other flavoring ingredients included as well in the e juice. They are bakery goods, nuts, and fruits etc which offer optimum vapor production, smoothness, and flavor. Thus the flavor of the cartridges is maintained upon this base. The primary item included in a V2 cartridge is the e juice. Now, lets move on to the best V2 flavors, which is preferred and used by the V2 Cigs users. The list of flavors manufactured by V2 Cigs is

Flavors with Limited Edition

  • V2 Grape Juicy and Sweet Flavor

A perfect flavor for summer and the cartridge has a color of rich purple. These are available in four different nicotine strengths. The nicotine strengths are zero (0), light (6), medium (12), and high (18.)

  • V2 Cola Sweet and Crisp Flavor

If you like the flavor of crisp soda cola, then this flavor is for you. Medium (12), zero, and light (6) are the strength is which this is available.

  • Classic Menthol A Minty Fresh Flavor

The color of these cartridges is cool green. The nicotine strength is as same as the V2 Grape.

Specialty Flavors

  • Cherry Flavor farm Fresh Taste of Cherry

The flavor appears just like having a fresh cherry. These cartridges are available in all the four strengths of nicotine.

  • Chocolate Flavor Creamy Milky chocolate

The flavor appears just like a dark chocolate. There are four strengths in which these cartridges are available.

  • Coffee Flavor American Doughnut from Java House

The flavor is as similar to the rich blend of Columbia with hint of sugar and cream. These are available in four different strengths of nicotine.

  • Vanilla Flavor Sweet, Rich and Smooth

One of the popular and best V2 flavors is V2 vanilla. These cartridges appear as vanilla bean and have four different strengths of nicotine.

Menthol and Mint Flavor

  • Mint Tea Refreshing and Smooth

This is a blend of refreshing mint and green tea. These cartridges are available in four different strengths of nicotine.

  • Peppermint Sweet Mint Flavor

The flavor is a blend of sugar and peppermint with a spear mint touch. They are available Emerald green and in four different strengths.

  • Menthol Crisp Taste of Cool Mint

The appearance is like spring green and has four strengths of nicotine.

Tobacco Flavors

  • Sahara Turkish Tobacco Flavor

The flavor is a blend of middle eastern tobacco. These cartridges are also available in four different strengths.

  • Congress Distinct Tobacco Flavor

The flavor is smooth and has four strengths in a blue shade.

  • Red Blend of American Tobacc eHealth Cigarette Guide electronic smokefree cigarettes

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