My prediction for 2014 is that it’s going to be a banner year for e cigarettes. Forget about those stupid bans, and look at all the evidence in favor of e cigarettes.

The Royal College of Physicians has endorsed e cigarettes as a safer alternative to smoking. A recent study in JAMA found that e cigarettes were more effective than the nicotine patch in helping people reduce or quit smoking.

There’s a confusing array of e cigarettes out there that range from free e cigarette scams to glitzy over priced e cigarettes. You can buy e cigarettes online or in many retail locations such as gas stations and convenience stores.

Our focus groups with women have found that women are more likely to purchase an e cigarette from a store where they already like to shop, such as… Read more

‘e-cigarette company, newhere inc. showing tremendous growth in brand rankings’ — los angeles, feb. 3, 2014 /prnewswire-ireach/ —

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LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3, 2014 /PRNewswire iReach/ The electronic cigarette, also know as “e cig” has quickly become one of the fastest selling products in recent years. With popularity of these “smokeless cigarettes” increasing exponentially, some industry analysts are even predicting the e cig industry to be an $80 to $90 billion market in the United States alone within the next decade. For some, these numbers may be hard to believe. But after the recent release of their Nielsen and IRI brand ranking data reports, NEwhere has us thinking twice.

(Photo )

NEwhere company executives announced the results of the most recent Nielsen and IRI data rankings in the e cigarette category in the Southern California region, as well as the entire state. According to Nielsen, NEwhere brand electronic cigarettes are the 3rd best selling brand in Southern California, behind the two largest national brands, Blu and Njoy. IRI has reported that NEwhere is the 5th best selling brand in the entire state of California. In addition, Nielsen showed NEwhere made up 4 of the top 13 Disposable E Cigarette sku’s in Southern California the others were made up of Blu and Njoy.

“We are absolutely thrilled about these reports!” said NEwhere Director of Sales, Amir Nezhad. “We have the most amazingly talented and hard working team. There’s no doubt in my mind that we will continue to climb these charts as we add key members and replicate our strategy that has proved successful here on the west coast. With a focus on product quality, innovation and unprecedented customer service we’ve seen retailers and customers alike express that it was like a “breath of fresh air” doing business with us with all of the options in this category will constantly do what’s necessary to set ourselves apart from the rest.” Nezhad added.

“We started this company out of a garage in the San Fernando Valley just over a year ago, our sales in 2013 were just shy of $2 million, our first full year in business and with distribution primarily from San Francisco to the Mexico border!” added CEO and Co founder, Ali Esmaili.

Such a long way to come in such a short amount of time. Mr. Esmaili noted that as of January 2014, NEwhere has been quickly expanding and has relocated their headquarters to a brand new 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse and is currently poised for nationwide distribution. 2014 sales are projected to be well over $12 million.

With the rapid growth rate of the electronic cigarette category, NEwhere’s unique packaging, sleek design, and great taste can almost guarantee them a spot amongst the largest e cig companies in the world.

Lookout big guys, NEwhere is making its move for that top spot. And according this recent data, their momentum is growing.

For more information, please visit

Media Contact Jack Sirounian, NEWHERE INC, (888) 991 7471, press