Cigarette smoking looked to be a dying art the combination of public smoking bans, advertising restrictions and grim packaging have combined to stigmatize smoking to the point where smokers must huddle together outdoors to enjoy a cigarette. Being ostracized has naturally made many attempt to give up smoking, but technology has provided an answer that solves all these issues. The electronic cigarette provides a means for people to smoke indoors using nicotine rich water vapor, and E Cig Reviews UK has published a list of the best E cigarettes on the market.

After over a year of constantly reviewing products, the site has now published its top five countdown of the very best e cigarette brands, with a top line including their brand, the price of their e cigarette solution and a link to their website.

The top five includes Green Smoke, Cigrees, E Lites, Red Cig and Jac Vapour, and every brand in the top five has a review between four and five stars that can be read in full on the website to help people decide which of their features are most important when making a purchase.

A spokesperson for explained, “E Cig Reviews UK is proud to have compiled this top five from a shortlist of fifteen different providers. We are confident that our top five represents the best of the market today and will be more than enough information for those looking for a better all round e cigarette experience, or those looking to convert to e cigarettes for the first time. Because we are committed to reader satisfaction, we have also included discount codes and special offers on these products where possible, so individuals can save money on the best products in the market and get both value and quality.”

About E Cig Reviews UK E Cig Reviews UK is trustworthy and reliable electronic cigarette review site. The site reviews the biggest and most famous e cig brands to provide visitors with only the most accurate and up to date information. They also offer various discount codes for visitors to get the best deals on the products they end up deciding to invest in. For more information please visit /

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ReleaseID 4388

Richmond, va.: tobacco cos. make payments under state settlement

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RICHMOND, Va. The nation’s top cigarette makers said Tuesday they have made about $6 billion in annual payments as part of a longstanding settlement in which some companies are paying states for smoking related health care costs.

Under the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement, participating tobacco companies agreed to make billions in payments to 46 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the District of Columbia over more than two decades. States first received full payments under the settlement in 1999. It was estimated that the companies would pay up to $246 billion over 25 years. Future annual payments also will continue in perpetuity.

The billions in annual payments come amid criticism from public health officials that states are using only a small amount of the money to fund tobacco prevention programs, making it harder to reduce death and disease caused by tobacco use. The settlement did not mandate that the money was to be used for anti tobacco and stop smoking programs.

While states on average have never spent as much the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would like, the total has declined dramatically in recent years as states have grappled with budget deficits. Many also have raised tobacco taxes in order to increase revenue and supplement funds provided by the tobacco industry.

Philip Morris USA, the nation’s largest cigarette maker owned by Altria Group Inc., said Tuesday that it made its payment of about $3.3 billion as part of the settlement.

The Richmond based maker of Marlboro, Virginia Slims and Parliament cigarettes said the payment includes an undisclosed amount that it says it doesn’t owe that was deposited into a separate account. The company will try to get it back through negotiations or arbitration, as allowed under the settlement.

No. 2 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., owned by Reynolds American Inc., based in Winston Salem, N.C., paid $1.77 billion this year. The maker of Camel, Pall Mall, Kool and other brands deposited a portion it disputes&#x2014 $421 million &#x2014 into a separate account.

No. 3 Lorillard Inc., Greensboro, N.C. based maker of Newport, True and Maverick brand cigarettes, paid $1.1 billion this year, including $93 million it disputes.

Philip Morris USA said it has paid more than $66 billion under the settlement and previous agreements since 1997. RJR has paid more than $33 billion under the agreements, and Lorillard has paid more than $16 billion.

Michael Felberbaum can be reached at