Dunhill cigarettes are an extravagant brand of cigarettes produced by the British American Tobacco. They are distributed for the most part through Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, South Africa, Cuba, South Korea, Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia (being manufactured by British American Tobacco Malaysia a.k.a. Rothmans Group), Indonesia (being fabricated by Bentoel Group), New Zealand and Australia. Yet, they can likewise be found via Internet and purchased online.

Dunhill cigarettes are produced in Cuba, but are distributed against the background of classic North American and European cigarette brands. The history of the Cuban company dates back to 1907. That was the time when the tobacco world was trended by the producers from the United States and British Empire. The founder of the eminent brand from the “island of Liberty” was Alfred Dunhill – an entrepreneur who presented Cuban cigars to the the world that gained popularity on each of the continents!

Initially, elite tobacco varieties were sold under the brand Dunhill. Those, which were cultivated, processed and packed in Cuba. Later, the assortment was replenished with the same-name cigarettes, for the production of which the raw materials of excellent quality were used.

Luxury tubes and other accessories with original design emphasized the aristocratic positioning of the tobacco company – its customers were mostly wealthy entrepreneurs, artists and representatives of the aristocratic classes.

Until the fifties, Dunhill cigarettes were only a minor product in the broad product range of the manufacturer, but after the acquisition of the brand by the Cubanobacco corporation in 1982, their popularity squeezed the retail sale of tobacco and cigarettes and took the leading positions in Cuba and then in Latin America. After the acquisition of the brand by British American Tobacco company, Dunhill cigarettes had been newly adopted by the world!

Today, the production capacities of the century-old brand are located both in Cuba and in Switzerland. The quality of Cuban cigarettes has won the hearts of millions of smokers around the world. Great history, the traditional Cuban tobacco blend, a sweetish piquant flavor and an original brown filter made cigarettes recognizable and popular. We offer to buy British American Tobacco products at reasonable prices in our online store.

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