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What a pack of cigarettes costs, state by state – the awl

Marlboro cigarettes on vimeo
Nate Hopper June 15th, 2011

This list has been updated with new data in July of 2013! Click here for the latest!

51. West Virginia $4.74
50. Louisiana $4.82
49. North Dakota $4.91
48. Kentucky $4.97
47. Idaho $4.99
46. California $5.19
45. Alabama $5.27
44. Georgia $5.29
43. South Carolina $5.42
41 42. Indiana, Wyoming $5.50
40. North Carolina $5.51
38 39. Nebraska, Virginia $5.55
37. Tennessee $5.56
36. Missouri $5.58
35. Oregon $5.59
34. Mississippi $5.75
33. New Hampshire $5.87
32. Nevada $5.95
30 31. Arkansas, Colorado $5.96
29. Montana $5.99
26 28. Delaware, Iowa, Kansas $6.00
25. South Dakota $6.03
24. Texas $6.07
23. Florida $6.08
22. Oklahoma $6.19
21. Ohio $6.22
20. Minnesota $6.53
19. Maryland $6.70
18. Pennsylvania $6.80
17. Arizona $6.87
16. New Mexico $6.88
15. Michigan $6.90
14. Utah $7.22
13. Maine $7.97
12. Washington, D.C. $7.99
11. Wisconsin $8.11
10. Vermont $8.23
9. Connecticut $8.25
8. Massachusetts $8.30
7. New Jersey $8.35
6. Rhode Island $8.60
5. Alaska $9.14
4. Illinois $9.67
3. Hawaii $9.73
2. Washington $9.89
1. New York $11.90

Methodology Prices were obtained by calling a gas station in each state’s most populous city and asking the clerk for the price of a pack of Marlboro Reds with tax. Memphis, Tenn., was toughest (nine phone calls). The gas station in Milwaukee, Wis., had the only employee who ended the conversation with &#034 have a good one.&#034

Update To compare these prices to a more recent 2012 survey, go here.

Nate Hopper is a summer Awl reporter.

Photo by romana klee.