Very often while traveling to tour abroad; any tourist can face customs restrictions on departure. These limits relate primarily to alcohol and tobacco.

And if everything is clear with alcohol, as every self-respecting expert of wine and vodka knows that the usual bottle of vodka, whiskey or gin contains 0.5 liters of the product, and a limit of 5 liters represents just 10 bottles, with tobacco products? However, it is not so simple

The requirements of some countries range from 300 to 500 units of tobacco for a person that is why it will be useful to know the number of cigarettes’packs in the box.

What is the size of the cigarette block? The block of cigarettes is a cardboard container, accommodating cigarettes’ packs, and covered with plastic wrap.

The size of cigarettes’ block depends on the number of standard packs and parametrically is a rectangular parallelepiped with sides of 430 mm in length, 46 mm in width and 88 mm in height.

By a “standard pack” in this case we mean a carton with a soft top, including the size of King Size cigarettes (84 mm long and 7.8 mm in diameter).

We count packs in the carton. In order to determine the number of cigarettes’ packs in the carton, we should take into consideration that a standard cigarette package is designed for 20 typical cigarettes. And the carton accommodates 10 such packs arranged in 2 rows opposite to each other.

Consequently, manufacturers offer a carton for sale, accommodating 200 units in 10 packs. There are, however, some exceptions from the rule. It is not always so simply to countthe number of of cigarettes’ packs in the carton.

Some exclusive brands of tobacco products are manufactured in non-standard packs and have about 25 or 40 units.

But these are rare exceptions, and that is why in normal practice there are taken standard size packs into consideration, on this basis the calculation will be made: the number of the packs of a specific manufacturer contained in the carton.

By the way, it is believed that the sizes of a box of ammunition were taken as the basis for the design, which included 200 units for the destruction of a platoon of 9 attackers with 50% of hit probability, plus 2 bullets “for oneself”.

Incidentally speaking, and cigarettes’ diameter completely corresponds to the diameter of the cartridge. Narrow-minded approach to their number in the pack them traces a relationship between the average intensity of smoking – about 20 cigarettes per day for a grown-up man – with the ideal number of cigarettes in a pack.

However, this theory is not under an apparent scientific evidence, and in this case, the information about how many packs of cigarettes arein the block, will excite the smoker only from a position of direct harm of tobacco to the health.

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