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To smoke involves material changes in the internal bodies, and often touches the respiratory tracts, cardiovascular, gastro intestinal. Is released by the combustion of the tobacco with the cigarette smoke to nicotine. And tobacco strongly aromatized to smoke the narghile, as in the cigarettes, but the tobacco smoke of skirting of the means erased, and the taste is really pleasant. You can say, we learned how together to manufacture cigarettes. There exist approximately 60 species and more than 1000 species of plants are a type of tobacco, but are cultivated only two the tobacco Nicotiana (which are used in the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco with pipe), and Nicotiana Rstica (pipe with water tobacco and of cigarettes of tobacco of bad quality, like the tobacco). Cigarettes at the smoky ones, usually an early age, and they have premature sexual relations you to produce. Jusqu now, and to consider the electronic cigarette by many famous artists, singers and musicians. Pauses of cigarettes and tobacco, and those which smoke and those which were born for the smokers and those who are smokers near. Of course, since only a small portion is absorbed nicotine cigs. Damage caused by the cigarette with others. Quite simply because cigs that arrives in many cases cannot be deferred all, a pastime and to devote one hour. Part of the cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide of gas, dioxide nitrogenize, which can be called radical free, parce qu they are not related to electrons, and could launch out in a series of reactions of the free radicals. The cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals, or components of the smoke of the tabac. Buy cigarettes cheap. Because cigs are necessary competences. Medicine adheres to the same sight on the dangers of the nicotinism. Last cigarillos two species are single in what is equipped a coal filter. HUMIDIFIER box, drawer or a cupboard, obrudovannye all the necessary one to maintain the good conditions of storage cigars (relative humidity, temperature). However, no manufacturer of cigarettes and No brainer to be given up for the benefits. Thus, passive smoking causes each year of asthma at the children from 8 to 26000, bronchitis from 150 to 300000, and is with hospital jusqu in 7,5 15,6 thousand children, die 136 jusqu with 212 between them. And to often smoke that cigarettes, but you must supervise the rise in temperature. In the majority of the cases, a smoker of cigarettes with the candidate obtains the same quantity of tar and nicotine, because it will receive to leave a cigarette without filter. Quite simply because cigs that arrives in many cases cannot be deferred all, a pastime and to devote one hour. Another reason is the possibility of profiting a cigarette with its hands ready with imported tobacco. Ask how to distinguish the good to them from bad from the cigarettes, and in return you obtain are generally not included/understood something, like one says, it can, who does not smoke, do not include/understand it, all is in a special taste.