In none of the source you will find the exact date, indicating the day when humanity first became familiarized with tobacco. Inhabitants of America and Asia knew its taste many centuries ago.

For some nations, such as the ancient Aztecs, tobacco was a must, as it was an integral part of rituals.

However, then the priests were forbidden to smoke, tobacco was attributed to one of the sinful temptations. Meanwhile, smoking still exists. After all, every day we can observe a variety of brands of the shop window.

For years, tobacco was consumed only by men. Not only is tobacco intended for smoking, but it is chewing and snuffing, and pipe was meant only for men.

Females, who in this or other form uses tobacco was a very unusual phenomenon. The first cigarettes, which were released specifically for women, appeared in America in 1924. It was products of Marlboro brand.

Over time, many companies have decided to release women’s brands of cigarettes and the range was expanded.

There were produced mainly brands of slim cigarettes for women at all times. The first Marlboro cigarettes had a standard gauge; they were packed in a white pack, on which there were printed ornate inscriptions.

There was a special red strip in the filter, which had to cover the remaining lipstick on it. However, the products did not have the popularity, in spite of all the advertising tricks. The next women’s brand was Vogue.

The brand was actively promoted. With the help of advertising, the smoking woman was drawn in consumers’ imagination as a sophisticated, confident, stylish and powerful individual.

The manufacturer also emphasized the design of a cigarette pack. It was this company which developed an idea to make its female version of its products more sophisticated and refined.

Thus, there appeared thin and long cigarettes. Initially, there were only two kinds of Vogue cigarettes – the usual one and menthol one. These ladies cigarettes, unlike Marlboro, began to gain popularity, and eventually their range has expanded considerably.

Some time later namely this company released thin cigarettes in a shortened pack. This symbolized the epoch when cigarettes in this format they are more comfortable to carry.

glamour cigarettesPostscript. Of course, there are described here not all the brands of cigarettes. The list can be endless. For example, there are very popular female trademarks of Glamour cigarettes and Esse cigarettes brands.

Esse Menthol cigarettesSuch brands as Sobranie, Kent, “Lucky Strike”, Bond and many others are very popular in both men and representatives of the fair half of humanity.