
I just bought the Eve “sapphire” 120s on an impulse, I saw them displayed in a store, remembered how Grandma smoked them and we all made fun of her cigarettes with flowers on them. First, I was disappointed they no longer have the flowers on the filter ( The first one was so weak and blah, I almost threw them away, as it did nothing for my craving. Later just after I finished one of my regular cigarettes, and was going for a late walk, I grabbed one in addition to my pack of Merits. I lit up my Eve and after a few puffs I found I was really enjoying smoking it without a craving. They are very light, seem to have almost no nicotine, but draw nice, have a very light subtle taste, and oddly, I noticed they smell much nicer than any other brand I’ve tried. These are first 120s I’ve tried, I finished the pack an hour ago, and have already bought a second. The big difference is You can, need to smoke many more of the, but as they are so light and mild, I don’t feel too bad about that. I don’t think I can make them my regular brand as it seems I would need about two packs a day, to manage the cravings, but I am now thinking of continuing to have a few each day.

Cigarettes & whisky lyrics – adam brand

At least four marlboro men have died of smoking-related diseases –

by Adam Brand. Buy album CD What A Life

Once I was happy and had a good wife
I had enough money to last me my life
Then I met a girl and we went on a spree
She taught me smokin’ and drinkin’ Whisky

Cigarettes and Whisky and wild wild women
They’ll drive you crazy, they’ll drive you insane
Cigarettes and Whisky and wild wild women
They’ll drive you crazy, they’ll drive you insane

And now I am feeble broken with age
The lines on my face make a well written page
I’m weavin’ this story it’s sad and it’s true
On women and Whisky and what they can do

They’ll write on the cross at the head of my grave
For women and Whisky here lies a poor slave
Take warning dear friend, for these words are true
Of women and whisky and what they can do

They’ll leave you in heartbreak
They’ll leave you in pain