In 2017, the first button cigarettes appeared under the LD cigarettes brand. They had the same taste and began to enjoy popularity. The company continued to develop in this direction and by 2020 has created a whole line of flavored cigarettes. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

The capsuled LD cigarettes currently have 5 different flavors. They are all different from each other and have their own characteristics. Let’s analyze each separately. Red button. This is a new addition to the Impuls Compact range and this taste appeared in the summer of 2019. Perhaps at the moment, LD cigarettes with a red capsule have already appeared with us. The capsule flavor is filled with sweet berries and menthol. When smoking, the declared aroma is felt, but the taste of the berries is a little chemical and resembles hookah tobacco. Menthol is very weak and remains in the aftertaste.

Purple. Refers to the category of LD cigarettes with a button. After crushing it, the taste of berries appears (by and large, only black currants and blueberries). The cigarette stretches easily and has one perforation ring on the filter. The bitterness and taste of cigarette smoke is not felt. Menthol is present in small quantities.

Yellow / orange capsule. The mix is small enough. Medium and small particles prevail. The tobacco is well packed. The taste at the button is fruity and reminds of peach, melon, banana. It turns out a mix of summer fruits. The taste is pleasant, full-bodied, lasts almost to the end. The LD with the yellow button is very good.

Green button. Compact LD cigarettes with a green button appeared among the first ones. The capsule is located in the acetate part of the filter. It is crushed very easily, a characteristic click is heard. The taste is lime and lemon, accompanied by a pleasant sourness. Well complements the entire series with a unique aroma.

Double taste. LD cigarettes got a mix of two buttons – Impulse Dual. They are located on different edges of the filter and make it possible to turn them on separately. You can enjoy one taste first, and then add a new one while smoking. The purple button gives the blueberry currant flavor, while the green one adds mint and some citrus.