There has been quite a bit of controversy over the last few years about consumers who purchase discount cigarettes online. You can find advertisements for these web sites in just about every magazine there is, and many times smokers can save thousands of dollars a year through this method. The question before the court, however, is whether or not you can legally purchase discount cigarettes online, especially with regard to state imposed taxes.

The question here is really about jurisdiction, which is asserted over a specific geographical area. When you purchase discount cigarettes online, you are likely buying from a company that conducts business in another city or state. The laws for cigarettes, including taxes, are probably different in that state, which means that you have to consider your own liability for the taxes that are not charged.

In most cases, taxes are far lower when you purchase discount cigarettes online, which is why they are cheaper than what you would find at a neighborhood convenience store. But how is this different than driving from New York to New Jersey to purchase cigarettes, and what will actually happen if you are caught?

Generally speaking, it is the consumer’s responsibility to pay taxes when they purchase discount cigarettes online. This might mean adding the tax to your purchase, or paying for the taxes separately. Whatever the case, the state government can pursue collection for back taxes if you are found to be illegally purchasing cigarettes, and they can demand payment immediately. You probably know that there are ways to track such sales, and cigarettes are considered a profitable commodity in the U.S.

The issue, of course, is whether you owe the back taxes, or whether those charges will be relegated to the online retailers who sell them from states with lower taxes. In most cases, the government will give the retailer a choice either they can pay for the back taxes themselves, or they can turn over their sales records so that the government can pursue collection individually. If you think that an online retailer is going to satisfy millions of dollars in taxes themselves, you’re sadly mistaken. Instead, your records will be turned over to the government.

Another factor you have to consider when you purchase discount cigarettes online is the tax status of the company making the sales. In the U.S., Native Americans conducting business on their own land can often sell cigarettes without charging taxes at all, and many of the online retailers take advantage of this tax benefit. For example, the Alabama Coushatta Native American tribe in Texas has a section of land on Highway 1960. They sell cigarettes without charging taxes, and this is perfectly legal.

Again, however, the subject of jurisdiction comes into play, and even if you purchase discount cigarettes online from a tax exempt Native American retailer, you’re having that product shipped out of the jurisdiction to your home. In most cases, you will be responsible for paying back taxes if you are caught.

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Sunday School

Wednesday Night Programs

Worship Service

Activities for Children and Youth

Kindergarten 3rd Grade

Club FISH (Finding, Inviting, Sharing, Helping) operates September through April, meeting on first and third Wednesdays. Through worship, drama, creativity and activity, children explore biblical truths and learn to fellowship with other children from the church family.

4th 6th Grades

Boys Club and Girls Club provide age appropriate activities to teach tweenagers about developing a personal relationship with Jesus, while enjoying their peers. Dividing by gender allows groups to interact without pressure to impress the other gender, and discuss issues that would be inhibited by the presence of the other gender. Boys and Girls Clubs meet in first and third Wednesdays, September through April. Girls Club members kick off the year with attendance at the Girls Jamboree at Camp Luz in August.

7th and 8th Grades

Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF) celebrates the energy of the middle school years with fun activities, designed to prompt analysis of life and faith, while building friendships that cross schools and genders. A summer service trip or other activity is the highlight of the year. JYF meets on first and third Wednesdays, September through April.

9th 12th Grades

Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF) helps students create close ties with other youth within the church and with youth leaders. Students often enjoy the group so much that they bring friends who attend on a regular basis. Exploring tough issues, voicing sensitive questions, and learning from others are the heart of this group which meets weekly throughout the year. A summer cross cultural service trip or attendance at Mennonite Church USA’s biennial convention are highlights.

Kindergarten 8th Grades

Sonshine (K 3rd) and Harmony (4th 8th) Choirs give students an opportunity to raise their voices in worship and lead the congregation in praise. Choirs meet Wednesdays from 5 6, from September through March.

7th 12th Grades

Encouragement Partners (1 on 1 relationship between a youth and an adult of the same gender) and Youth Circles (multiple youth with a matching number of adults, all of the same gender) meet to form spiritual growth relationships. Contact Kris to initiate a relationship.

Kindergarten 8th Grades

Summer KICK (Kids in Christ’s Kingdom) runs mid June through mid August on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Contact summerKICK1 to register.

Entering Kindergarten entering 6th Grade

Vacation Bible School features fun worship, Bible teaching, crafts and activities, all designed to help students know more about who Jesus is. This year’s sessions will be July 21 24, 6 30 8 30 pm. Contact Kris to register.

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