Camel cigarettes were and are very popular for many reasons: they were smoked by Hollywood stars, and politicians were not afraid to try one cigarette after another. During the war, cigarettes became the companions of many soldiers. When they smoked them, they immediately remembered home, warm bread, and mother. It was a kind of support, and joy. Thanks to this position, the brand of cigarettes strengthened its influence on the tobacco market.

These cigarettes are both strong and light, for every taste, and that is their charm. They are suitable for all kinds of smokers with their requirements and places. Camel cigarettes is a symbol of a free traveler and a sportsman. They have it all – speed, masculinity, seriousness and confidence in everything a man does. These qualities are sung and exalted.

Today, the brand adheres to innovation, but at the same time retains the level of elitism, and does not leave the category of premium brand. In 2008, the final rebranding took place. The composition of the tobacco blend underwent some changes, and the packaging design became brighter and livelier. The camel became more obvious and drawn out. The pack acquired golden and blue colors.

Camel will never feel skeptical of keeping up with the times and make new decisions, and the brand has more and more fans every year.

What are Camel cigarettes?

Researchers of the Camel brand can confidently inform the world that the history of the tobacco market, as it turns out, is divided into two stages – before Camel and after it. These cigarettes appeared before the public in 1913. At that moment, Richard Joshua Reynolds founded his own business, and this was the beginning of the new products. For these cigarettes, a certain blend of tobacco varieties was added: delicate Virginia varieties and tart dark Turkish tobacco. Time would pass and this composition would be called – American Blend, it would become globally demanded, a specific benchmark. And many manufacturers tried to reproduce this recipe. It is also worth determining about the advertising campaigns conducted by this cigarette brand – a trick with camels. Yes, yes, exactly, the mention and image of camels on the pack attracted a lot of smokers. And sales went up. So the smokers got familiarized with the new brand and wanted to try it.