I would give these 10 stars if I could. They are the reason i was able to quit smoking in November 2002, and they are the reason I never backslid, because I could have one of these instead of a regular nicotine cigarette.

They are not as tasty as my menthol Virginia Slims, or my Misty menthols, or even the generic menthols I was smoking at the end because cigarettes had gone up so high, but they approximate smoking well enough, and taste enough like menthols, that I was not only able to quit with no nicotine withdrawal (because I switched to these a month before I quit), but also I always had my pack of Honeyrose around after I quit in case I felt the urge for a smoke. That urge dissipated over time. I haven’t smoked one of these in a couple of years, but I still have a pack in my freezer just in case.

I didn’t follow the Honeyrose advice specifically. I just stopped the nicotine cold turkey and switched to these. The habit was really more compelling to me than the nicotine addiction, so the act of smoking overcame whatever withdrawal symptoms I had. Then I quit smoking the herbals. I did it out of town, out of the country even, while staying with a friend in Montreal, not around smokers, and it went OK. I’d say, “I want a cigarette,” he’d say, “You’re missing the point,” and that would be that.

I smoked these on and off for years after I quit, sometimes just one or two, sometimes a bunch if I was drinking. I always enjoyed smoking (which makes it really hard to quit in standard ways nicotine delivery systems really aren’t helpful for me, as I miss smoking ), so it was nice to have the option to have an occasional cigarette.

I still walk by smoking people and breathe in their smoke and enjoy it.Read more

Children in 10 states, district of columbia can buy e-cigarettes – health – bangor daily news – bdn maine

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Chuck Liddy RALEIGH NEWS Stephanie Cordisco, president of R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co., explains how Reynolds is going to market their new electronic cigarette, the “Vuse” in the company’s “Customer Engagement Center,” in Winston Salem, North Carolina, March 4, 2014. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control found 16 million children in 10 states and the District of Columbia are able to purchase and use e cigarettes. By David Beasley, Reuters Posted Dec. 11, 2014, at 6 03 p.m.

ATLANTA More than 16 million children age 17 and younger in 10 states and the District of Columbia have legal access to electronic cigarettes, according to a federal study released on Thursday.

The underage use of e cigarettes, which are metal tubes that heat liquid into an inhalable vapor, concerns health officials because they contain nicotine, which can be addictive and harm adolescent brain development.

Critics also cite a lack of data on the health effects of their long term use, while proponents call them a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes.

We ve made a lot of progress addressing youth access to these products, said Brian King, a senior scientific adviser with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention s Office on Smoking and Health.

Since 2010, a total of 40 states have banned e cigarette sales to those under 18. Four of those states also ban sales of the product to 18 year olds.

Even so, e cigarette use among high school students tripled from 2011 to 2013, with 4.5 percent of students using the products last year, according to a CDC survey released in November.

The CDC cites increased advertising of e cigarettes as a possible cause of their mushrooming popularity among young people. E cigarette ads can be seen on TV, a practice banned for traditional cigarettes since the 1970s, King said.

The devices are unregulated by the federal government, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in April proposed rules that would ban the sale of e cigarettes to anyone under 18.

The states allowing sales of e cigarettes to people under 18 include Texas, Michigan and Nevada, the CDC said.