Magic Box communications agency has developed a federal advertising campaign for the Sovereign cigarettes brand (manufactured by Gallaher Liggett-Ducat). Launched under the slogan “Now You Know What You Are”, the campaign aims to build awareness of the Sovereign brand among the target audience and stimulate trial purchases.

The agency believes that the best way to advertise a product to a pragmatic person with an analytical mindset who fundamentally does not trust advertising is to tell him the whole truth about the product, to lay out all the details, without hiding. You shouldn’t promise him special female attention, or bouts of inspiration, or something heroic … – he is unlikely to believe. The main principle behind the campaign design is: “Sovereign cigarettes are intended primarily for pragmatic smokers. That is why we did not use flashy messages or super-promises; we just told what a pack of cigarettes is made of. It is better to know what to choose.”

Sovereign cigarettes, a renowned brand in the King size format, has given way to popular brands. This is a common size, corresponding to a length of 84 mm, a diameter of 7.62 mm.

There are 3 types of tobacco involved in production of Sovereign cigarettes: Virginia tobacco. The advantage is the simultaneous maturation of the tobacco leaf and the absence of stepchildren – lateral shoots. It is famous for its high sugar content and low resin content. It differentiates in a fruity-spicy delicate aroma. Has a high burning temperature, which is inconvenient for the smoker.

Burley tobacco. Opposite to Virginia. It features low sugar content with a high resin capacity. The taste depends on the color. Burleigh White has cocoa-nutty nuances. Oriental tobacco. A special feature in the drying process is carried out under the rays of the sun. Differs in a spicy sweetish taste.

Liggett-Ducat, the manufacturer of Sovereign cigarettes, is known for being a middle-class consumer looking for a quality, but inexpensive product. With the arrival in 2007, Japan Tobacco Inc began to produce products in all segments, from the premium class. Gallaher Liggett-Ducat began its work with an extensive advertising campaign. Without loud headlines, the consumer was told the whole truth about the released product. In addition to Sovereign cigarettes, the company is known for world brands.