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(“tab dock”)) (“tab dock”) (“width”,parseFloat( (“.dynamic”).getStyle(“width”)) t) (“top”,K ak) if(E) (“marginTop”, (“height”)) else if( (“tab dock”)) (“tab dock”) (“width”,”auto”) (“top”,0) if(E) (“marginTop”,”auto”) else (“tab dock”) (“width”,”auto”) (“top”,0) if(E) (“marginTop”,”auto”) if( ) var az (“.shown .first child”) var p (“item”) () 1 if(p&& > 10&& ) (“mb82”) var u (“#ya m “) var L (“#ya answer”) var z (“#ya oa”) var aj false var m (“#dockable answer box”) var N I A if(m) var H parseFloat( (“width”)) var v H 25 (“width”,H) (“mt10”) if(L) (“width”,v) if(L) var l (“offsetTop”) (“offsetHeight”) aq G ac var ab (“offsetHeight”) if(ab>0&&h 0) yar updatePParam(“aboxpos”,ab) h 1 if(aj false&&(N)>(l)) aj true if(m) (“dockedAnswerBox”) setTimeout(function() if(e 0&&(N)>(l)) e 1 (“view”, itc 1 ,”ansview”) ,500) () var i null (“body”).get(“winWidth”)b (“domready”, , ,this,i) (“scroll”, , ,this,i) (“windowresize”, , ,this,i) () ,”0.1″, requires “overlay” ) (“ya io”,function(a) (“Answers”).IO function() var b new Date(),c ” txnid ” () “&crumb ” (e,h,f,g) if(h “GET”) if( (“?”) 1) e “?” c else e “&” c else f (f! “”)?”&” c c var d method h,data f,timeout 10000,on success function(i,j) (“Succesfull IO request ” j) (“Params ” f) g(j) ,failure function(i,j) (“IO request Failed ” j ” nURL ” e ” nParams ” f) g( status ,responseText null ) (e,d) ,”0.1″, requires “base”,”node”,”io base”,”json”,”querystring stringify simple” ) (“ya suspend”,function(a) (” “) (b) () redirect “/activity” () var e “#tup, #tdn, #raaf, #racf, #rarf” if( (“#ya oa”)) (“#ya oa”).delegate(“click”, ,e) if( (“#ya ba”)) (“#ya ba”).delegate(“click”, ,e) if( (“#yan question”)) (“#yan question”).delegate(“click”, ,”#tup, #tdn”) if( (” “)) (” “).on(“focus”, ) if( (“.li cmnts”)) (“.li cmnts”).on(“click”, ) var f Array(“#qact”,”#cba”,”#mbrFollow”,”#mbrUnFollow”,”#mbrBlock”,”#mbrUnBlock”,”#vote”,”#vba”,”#wstar”,”#signin”,”#raqf”,”#qans”,”#eml”,”#nba”,”#wlist”),d for(var c 0 c23) (“fadeout”) else (“fadeout”) (“selected”) (“unselected”) (“fwb”) (“fwl”) function t(H) if( (“title”)) var I (“title”).replace(/&/g,”&”) ( (0,21)) if( >21) (“fadeout”) else (“fadeout”) (“unselected”) (“selected”) (“fwl”) (“fwb”) function y(I,H) if(! (“show none”)) (“show block”) (“show inbl”) (“show none”) (“show none”) function s() y(v,A) y(h,o) y(G,b) function p(J,I) if(! (“show block”)) (“show none”) (“show none”) (“show block”) (“show inbl”) (“top”,””) var K (“region”),H (“viewportRegion”).bottom if( >H) ( (H, (“region”).bottom) ) function F(L,I,J) a false function H() if(!a) y(J,I) a false YUI().later(500,window,H) function K() if(! (“show none”)) a true (“mouseover”,K) highlightNode function(I) var M (“#” I ” a”) var O (“.selected”) if(!M) if( (“cat “) 1) s() if(O) z(O) return var N (O? (“parentNode”) null) var J (N? (“parentNode”) null) if(J&&( (“ul major”) (“ul flyout1”) (“ul flyout2”))) return else M (“#cat 0 a”) if( (“selected”)) s() return if(O) z(O) var H (“parentNode”) var K (“display”) var L (“.flyout selected”) if( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul major”)) if((K! “none”)&&! (“cat major extra”)) l(D) l(m) l(k) d(e) d(u) d(L) (“flyout selected”) else if(( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul flyout1”)) ( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul flyout2”))) if(L) d(L) (“flyout selected”) if( (“cat flyout extra1”)) l(H) l(D) l(k) d(u) d(e) t(C) else if( (“cat flyout extra2”)) l(H) (“flyout selected”) else (“flyout selected”) l(H) l(e) (“href”, (“href”)) ( (“title”)) d(m) if( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul flyout1”)) if(! (“flyout selected”)) d(u) l(k) if( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul flyout2”)) l(u) (“href”, (“href”)) ( ()) d(k) (“href”, (“href”)) (“title”, ().replace(/&/g,”&”)) d(D) t(q) s() return if( (“parentNode”).hasClass(“ul abt”)) t(n) else t(M) s() (“click”,function(H) y(h,o) y(G,b) p(v,A) ) (“click”,function(H) y(v,A) y(G,b) p(h,o) ) (“click”,function(H) y(v,A) y(h,o) p(G,b) ) (“mouseleave”,function(H) F(j,b,G) ) (“mouseleave”,function(H) F(r,o,h) ) (“mouseleave”,function(H) F(f,A,v) ) () () ,”0.1″, requires “node”,”event” ) (“ya autosuggest”,function(c) var b var a 10 var d function(e,f) (“Gossip being initialized”) var g new ( source b ) if((f)&&(typeof f “number”)) a f (“Max num results set to ” a) var h (“#” e) if(h) ( , maxResults a,resultHighlighter “wordMatch”,resultTextLocator “k”,source g,requestTemplate “&command query “,on select function(l) if( ) var k if(k) var i /qid a zA Z0 9 / var j (k) if(j 0 ) var m j 0 .split(” “) 1 if(m) “//” “/question/index?qid ” m ,resultListLocator function(j) var l j 0 &&j 0 .r if(l&&! (l)) l l for(var k 0 k< /g decodeTextResult (/"/g,'"').replace(/&#39 /g,"'").replace(/&/g,"&") n (m,"") l k .k n return l ) ("Answers").autoSuggest function() return setUpSearchAssist function(e,f) d(e,f) ,"0.1", requires "base","node","autocomplete","autocomplete highlighters","datasource get" ) ("ya askbar",function(f) var g new () var c 5 var a function(h) (function() ("/ ","GET","",function(j) if( ) var i ("#" h) if(i) ("innerHTML", ) e() d() yar refresh("renderAskBar") ) )() var e function() var i ("#message1") var h ("#message2") if(i&&h) var j new ( node i,duration c,to opacity 0 ) () setTimeout(function() ("display","none") ("display","block") ,(c 1000)) var b function() ("Mimic Placeholder attr") var i ("#ask text") if(i) var h ("placeholder") ("value",h) ("focus",function(k) var j ("value") if(j h) ("value","") ) ("blur",function(k) var j ("value") if(j "") ("value",h) ) var d function() ().setUpSearchAssist("ask text",5) ("Gossip initialized for Ask Bar") ("Answers").createAskBar function() if( ("#ask button")) ("#askbar holder").delegate("click",function(h) ("askquestion","submit",1) ("#qask form").submit() ,"#ask button") if(arguments 0 ) c arguments 0 return render function(h) a(h) ,setUpGoss ip function() d() ,"0.1", requires "base","node","ya io","anim","autocomplete","autocomplete highlighters","datasource get","ya autosuggest" ) ("ya MCRD",function(d) (" ") var c,b var a new Array() (e) var f (j) if( ) (".mcrd error").removeClass("none") (".mcrd error").setStyles( width 271,height 108 ) (".mcrd bd").addClass("none") (".mcrd ft").addClass("none") ("#mcrd err msg").set("innerHTML", ) else (".mcrd error").addClass("none") (".mcrd error").setStyles( width 0,height 0 ) ("#mcrd err msg").set("innerHTML","") (".mcrd bd").removeClass("none") ("#mcrd").one("div").set("id", ) ("#mbrBA").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrNN").set("innerHTML", (0,19)) ("#mbrSNC").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrPNTS").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrLVL").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrTA").set("innerHTML", ) ("#mbrPNTW").set("innerHTML", ) var i (".mcrd topc"),h "img sprite badge " ("none") ("badge c") ("badge p") ("badge o") ("badge s") if( >0) var g (“#mbrNN”).get(“offsetWidth”) (“#mbrNN”).ancestor().set(“offsetWidth”,g 26) (“none”) if( ) (h “c”) if( ) (h “p”) if( ) (h “s”) if( ) (h “o”) if( ) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”, ) (“.mcrd ft”).setStyle(“display”, ?”block” “none”) (“loading”) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op r&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “inline” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “inline” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op a&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) a “user ” id .add “none” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “none” a “user ” id .unblock “inline” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op r&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “inline” a “user ” id .remove “none” a “user ” id .block “inline” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (h) id (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd bd”).get(“id”) (“Guid” id) mcrd ft (“parentNode”).get(“parentNode”).one(“.mcrd ft”) var g “/ ” id var i new () (g “&op a&t g”,”GET”,””,function(j) if(( ) ( )) (“#mbrFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnFollow”).setStyle(“display”,”inline”) (“#mbrBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) (“#mbrUnBlock”).setStyle(“display”,”none”) a “user ” id .add “none” a “user ” id .remove “inline” a “user ” id .block “none” a “user ” id .unblock “none” ) (k) (“loading”) ( , , ) () (true) () var i this,g new Date() var h (“id”) var j a “user ” h if(j) (j) f else f (“/ “, method “get”,data “u ” h “&l ” “& txnid ” (),arguments userid h ,on success function(o,n,l) if( ! 200) (“Member Card information for” ” could not be loaded.”) else var m ( ) a “user ” m if( ) (m) ) () (50,d,function() () ) () if( ) () () c (“#mcrd”).removeClass(“none”) b new ( id “mcrd wrap”,srcNode c,render true,visible false,plugins fn ,cfg duration 0.35 ) var g ( ) (“mouseenter”, ,”.profile”,this) (“mouseleave”, ,”.profile”,this) (“mouseleave”, ,this) (“mouseenter”, ,this) (“click”, ,”#mbrFollow”,this) (“click”, ,”#mbrUnFollow”,this) (“click”, ,”#mbrBlock”,this) (“click”, ,”#mbrUnBlock”,this) () ,”0.1″, requires “base”,”node”,”event”,”overlay”,”widget anim”,”widget position align”,”io”,”json” ) YUI().use(“node”,function(f) var c (“.feedback”) if(c! null) var b (” “) var d (” “) var g (“.warn”) var e (“.voice”) var a (“.bug”) var d (” “) if(b! null) (“click”,function(h) (“display”,”none”) (“display”,”none”) (“display”,”none”) (“display”,”none”) (“display”,”block”) ) if(d! null) (“click”,function(h) (“display”,”block”) (“display”,”block”) (“display”,”block”) (“display”,”block”) (“display”,”none”) ) ) YUI().use(“ya autosuggest”,function(a) ().setUpSearchAssist(“mnp search box”) (“Gossip initialized for UH”) ) (“ya feedback”,function(a) (“Answers”).Feedback function(c) var f WARN “feedback cont”,INFO “feedback cont”,ERROR “feedback error” var g 3000 var b var d var e () if(b null f d undefined e “”) (“Feedback cannot be rendered Parameters missing”) return if( (“.ya feedback”)) return var h (‘

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