Buy a large selection of branded cigarettes such as American Spirit, Marlboro, L&M, Lucky Strike, Gauloises, Pall Mall in our online shop. Special Cigarettes Australia offers are available here.

You can order a large selection of classic filter cigarettes such as American Spirit, Camel, Gauloises, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall Red or Marlboro Gold in our online shop and have them conveniently delivered to your home. Our shipping partner takes care of the delivery. Special Cigarettes Australia offers are available.

But can you actually buy cigarettes online?

Yes, you can and special cigarettes Australia offers are available here.

Through a double verification process whereby the age is checked before buying and when the ordered goods are delivered, it is possible for us as an online cigarette retailer to send you your goods. During the purchase process, you can decide whether you want to carry out the age verification with an identity card check.

In order to be well informed about how the popular Cigarettes Australia offers and what ingredients cigarettes contain, we have put together a few lines for you.

How is an industrially manufactured cigarette made?

The production of a normal cigarette like the JPS – John Player Special or the Lucky Strike from the manufacturer British American Tobacco takes place in different processing stages. First, the raw tobacco is refined. Here the ribs of the tobacco leaves are removed. Because the fewer tobacco stems there are in cigarettes, the less harmful smoke is produced. Thicker, more solid components produce more harmful smoke, so it is also in the interests of the manufacturer to use as good as possible tobacco in the form of fewer ribs and knots. After all, the smoker shouldn’t consume a “waste product”.


The leftover tobacco is processed into a mixture like the American Blend Mixture. This mixture is one of the most widely used concoctions in the world. It consists of subtle Virginia, sweet Burley and spicy oriental tobacco. The aroma, the condensate and the nicotine content determine the individual tobacco blend of the manufacturer.