Women smoke nowadays, they smoke intensively and with the greatest pleasure.
Italian scientists made a report at the Paris Congress of the European Society of Cardiology on the problem of the harmful effect of smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the female body, according to Maria Emilia Bonaccorso in the material published on the website of the newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“Tobacco smoke in literal sense hates women: the ratio of the harm caused by smoking to female body if compared with the male organism is 5: 1. These are the results of the research presented by Professor Helena Tremoli from the Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology in Paris.

Female body appears to be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of smoking, regardless of such factors as age, blood pressure, obesity, social status “- it is stated in the work.

“It is known, said the professor, the women naturally are protected from cardiovascular disease, especially before menopause begins.

For this reason, factors detrimental to women’s health, are unfortunately given less attention. . Meanwhile, 4.3 million people die each year in Europe because of cardiovascular disease, 242 thousand of which – in Italy, and this index becomes more “pink”.

“Another fact is interesting.”

The more educated a man is, the less contaminated his arteries are. But with regards to women, this dependence is not observed – the author retells the conclusions of scientists

Cardiovascular diseases are the “privilege” of men aged 55-60 years, and then, for some time now there is obseved equality between the sexes, but at approximately 75 years, the proportions are changing.

This happens, according to Professor Roberto Ferrari, not only due to the weakening of hormonal protection with the begin of menopause, but also due to the reason that women begin to lead healthy, “male” lifestyle – eat in a wrong way and more than necessary, smoke and move not sufficiently. ”

“The campaign for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women is as it seems lost, – writes journalist -. The number of smoking women is increasing.

Women less strongly drop this harmful habit. Smoking and alcohol, according to the data of another study, are costly to European women: they live longer than men, but worse, “- concludes Bonaccorso.

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